In this project I've done my best to implement the work from Uber ATG on LaserNet. LaserNet is a 3D object detector for autonomous driving, with 3 distinguishing factors: range-view, low-latency, and probabilistic detection. See here for the original paper. The original paper uses Uber's proprietary dataset, and overfits on the small KITTI dataset, so for this project I am using Waymo Open Dataset.
Run to save the dataset to disk from the cloud bucket and perform initial preprocessing Run to split the dataset into shards. This is not strictly necessary but improves results by performing an out-of-memory shuffle Run to train on the dataset
Basic implementation of the architecture for vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists
- Parameterize the scripts (yeah I was lazy and used hard-coded paths)
- Mean-shift cluster (coming soon)
- Adaptive NMS
- Multi-modal distriutions for vehicles
- Integration with Waymo Dataset evaluation metrics (also coming soon)