- The name of your validator
- StakingCabin
- Why you want to become a validator for GovNo and AtomOne
- AtomOne is committed to upholding Cosmos' core tenets of security, sustainability, and decentralization. We are dedicated to contributing to the network's decentralization and security.
- Brief history/ Intro to your validator
- StakingCabin is a validator and staking services provider experienced in PoS blockchain protocols (Cosmos space and beyond). And we currently support more than 50+ public blockchain protocols.
- Details of your validator (website and contact email)
- Website: https://www.stakingcabin.com/
- Email: contact@stakingcabin.com
- Team structure, roles, and Discord handles
- Fausto (BD) - faustostakingcabin
- Rob(BD) - robstakingcabin
- Vincent (DEV) - vincentstakingcabin
- Richard (DEV) - richardstakingcabin
- Link to your main social accounts
- Unique validator key to submit (from Cosmos Hub)
- cosmos: cosmosvaloper1lyvcvqmyy75dwtrzk7a5eznf0zgpntkhv8p2ta
- govgen: govgenvaloper1hsyzkusjnzm795d4g65ajng2wcgn0tql7tsyz4
- Region you and/or your validator is based (country)
- StakingCabin is in UAE. Our validator is in Germany.