- The name of your validator
- Astrovault
- Why you want to become a validator for GovGen and AtomOne
- To support this community endeavor on behalf of the community
- Brief history/ Intro to your validator
- Astrovault.io is the first DEX in DeFi to monetise liquidity
- Details of your validator (website and contact email)
- Website: https://astrovault.io
- Email: admin@astrovault.io
- Team structure, roles, and Discord handles
Ethan Wood, CEO, eswood Eric Waisanen, CFO, ericwaisanen BEngEE, CTO, .bengee
- Link to your main social accounts
- Twitter: https://astrovault.io/twitter
- Discord: https://astrovault.io/discord
- Telegram: https://astrovault.io/telegram
- Unique validator key to submit (from Cosmos Hub)
- govgenvaloper1md0t8yy2mytryrj7gpufy257hrp9azed62jlvf
- Region you and/or your validator is based (country)
- EU
In order for the application to be approved by the community, all AtomOne/GovGen Validators:
- Must replicate, understand, and validate the genesis distribution. (See atomone-hub/genesis#65 (review))
- Acknowledged
- Must contribute to the above to prove understanding of it by contributing to the code or creating a PR/PRs
- Acknowledged
- Must adhere to a global decentralization mandate and if required to cooperate in translation for an efficient global reach
- Acknowledged
- Must provide Transparency disclosures of associations among validators. (Also see Validators and KYC #75).
- Acknowledged
- The Community will put together best practices for KYC-ing and approving validator submissions. The conversation can be followed here: (Validators and KYC #75))
- Acknowledged