Install VS code and setup python environment. Install following python libraries.
- django
- zmq
- ZeroMQ is a high-performance asynchronous messaging library, aimed at use in distributed or concurrent applications.
- tensorflow 1.6.0
- h5py 3.1.0
- pybind11
- sklearn
- pymysql
- pandas
- numpy 1.19.5
Open `DT' folder in VS code and run the following commands
cd DigitalTwin
python .\ runserver
- First of all Raspberry Pi 4 is configured and Ubuntu OS is installed
- The Putty is used to access the IoT device from the IoT platform
- Ubuntu is preferred instead of raspbian operating system because we have lot of support for IoTivity for ubuntu
- The card is then injected in the Raspberry pi to start the operating system
- Install putty to connect with Raspberry pi 4 remotely.
- The putty initiate the SSH command which allow the IoT platform to send the instructions remotely
- There are some other software are also available to use the SSH request
- The windows terminal can also be sued to connect the IoT device with IoT Platform
- WinSCP is installed to move files from local system to Raspberry pi -Host name: IP address of Raspberry pi -Username and password entered -Hit Login Button
- The winSCP is a FTP based system which is used to sed the files from the platform to the devicen
- The device need some file like Iotivity 2.2.2 and some python scripts
- These files are transferred from the system to the device using Winscp
- Open Putty and connect it with device (Raspberry pi)
- Installed IoTivity version 2.2.2 from GitHub using
git clone --recursive --depth 1 --single-branch --branch 2.2.2 iotivity-222
- Build and Run sample client and server
- To build and run the sample execute the following commands.
Run FL server form DT platform
Start FL clients from DT platform