Order Delivery System (ODS) for delivering products. This project is a simple demonstration of mega e-commerce websites like Flipkart.
- Flask : A micro-web framework for Python
- MySQL : Database at the backend
- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jinja : For user interface
Create virtual environment :
python3 -m venv ods_env
Activate the virtual environment :
source ods_env/bin/activate
Chnage working directory to ODS and install the required libraries :
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Update the credentials in py_src/db.yaml file to connect to the mysql database. You will need to create a mysql user for this.
Change working directory to sql_src.
Open mysql prompt using following command and enter password for the created user.
mysql -u "username" -p
Enter following commands on mysql prompt :
source ods_ddl.sql
This will create the required database ODS on the local system.
source ods_dml.sql
This command is optional. It adds some dummy data in the tables.
Exit the mysql prompt and change working directory to py_src.
Enter the command to run Flask :
python3 app.py