You may run DeepVariant binaries via Docker. The image has all DeepVariant binaries and their dependencies preinstalled, which makes it easier to run DeepVariant locally, on a VM, or at scale using the Genomics Pipelines API.
If you have not already done so, please follow the instructions on the quick start page.
Please follow the instructions on Google Cloud Genomics for running DeepVariant at scale using the Genomics Pipelines API.
You need to install docker to run the image locally or on a dedicated VM.
General installation instructions are
on the Docker site. Ubuntu installation
instructions are
To avoid having to run the docker commands using sudo
, follow the instructions
Copy all required input files to a directory that can be accessed within the docker image. In this example, we are going to use the quickstart test data:
mkdir -p input
gsutil -m cp gs://deepvariant/quickstart-testdata/* input/
Copy the model:
mkdir -p models
gsutil -m cp gs://deepvariant/models/DeepVariant/0.4.0/* models/
Run the docker image mounting the input
and models
folders. You may need
to run with sudo
if you get permission denied errors or follow the
to manage docker as a non-root user.
# You may use the 'latest' label to get the latest version.
gcloud docker -- pull$IMAGE_VERSION
docker run -it -v $PWD/input:/dv2/input -v $PWD/models:/dv2/models \$IMAGE_VERSION
Finally, within the docker image, run:
./opt/deepvariant/bin/make_examples \
--mode calling \
--ref /dv2/input/ucsc.hg19.chr20.unittest.fasta.gz \
--reads /dv2/input/NA12878_S1.chr20.10_10p1mb.bam \
--examples output.examples.tfrecord \
--regions "chr20:10,000,000-10,010,000"
./opt/deepvariant/bin/call_variants \
--outfile call_variants_output.tfrecord \
--examples output.examples.tfrecord \
--checkpoint /dv2/models/model.ckpt
./opt/deepvariant/bin/postprocess_variants \
--ref /dv2/input/ucsc.hg19.chr20.unittest.fasta.gz \
--infile call_variants_output.tfrecord \
--outfile output.vcf
You may mount an additional output
folder (using -v
) when running the docker
image to store the resulting VCF file directly on your local machine.