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MacOS X installation

Alexander Tauenis edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 15 revisions

WebOne have experimental support for Apple macOS. If you have problems with running WebOne on macOS, first try to follow steps for manual Linux installation, then if they won't help, try older versions of WebOne. The project bug tracker is a good place to report about problems or errors.

See also: Linux installation | Windows installation.


  1. An actual installation of macOS. Supported versions.
    • macOS 10.14 also work without problems.
  2. Download and install the .NET 6.0 Runtime from Microsoft.
    • Note: Using the Installer will simplify the macOS permissions. Hint.
  3. Download and unzip the WebOne for Mac.
    • Make sure that .NET Runtime have same architecture as WebOne (Intel Core x64 vs Apple M1 Arm64)
  4. To allow picture file converting, install ImageMagick for Mac.
  5. To allow online video converting, install FFmpeg and YT-dlp.

There are no specific requirements for clients.


  1. Open a new Terminal.
  2. Ensure the correct .NET version is installed by typing dotnet --list-runtimes.
    • If it returns an error or a version other than, see the prerequisite section.
  3. Change to the extracted directory.
    • Example: cd ~/Downloads/WebOne.0.16.0.mac-intel/
  4. Execute:
    • ./webone
    • The first time you execute WebOne from Finder window, you're likely to get a security prompt from macOS, saying "WebOne cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified." Open your Security & Privacy settings in the System Preferences and click "Allow Anyway". Or use Terminal.
  5. Your WebOne environment is now running and ready for incoming connections.
  6. To exit: Control + C or close Terminal tab.

To configure options (optional):

  1. Stop WebOne by pressing Control + C.
  2. Create personal configuration file: touch my.conf (the name may be any).
    • Later you can use this file to store your WebOne settings and rules.
  3. Open the created file in TextEdit or other editor.
  4. Configuration guide.
    • Example and default configuration is in the downloaded webone.conf.
  5. Restart WebOne.


Caution: Daemon mode on macOS is currently not fully tested by developer.

There is a known way to start WebOne on system launch time:

  1. Create local.dotnet.webone.api.plist in /Library/LaunchDaemons/:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  1. Then run sudo launchctl -w load local.dotnet.webone.api from the LaunchDaemons directory (unload stops it).

To view the server log, you may look in Applications/Utilities for the Console application, then select ~/Library/Logs folder and webone.log file. The display is live, so it is not need to reload log to view new messages.

✔️ Thanks to tweedy7736 @ MacRumors for initial version of the script. 🔗