The master branch represents examples with the latest released version of AssertJ modules => you should be able to build it with mvn install
The with-latest-snapshot-versions branch represents examples with the on going development version (maven snapshot) => you must build the dependent snapshot version before.
assertj-examples contains executable AssertJ assertions examples that you can run as JUnit tests. Please have a look at assertions examples sources.
assertj-swing-aut contains the AUT (application under test) that is tested by the examples.
assertj-swing-junit-examples contains executable AssertJ-Swing examples that you can inspect and run as JUnit tests. Please have a look at swing-junit-examples sources.
assertj-swing-testng-examples contains executable AssertJ-Swing examples that you can inspect and run as TestNG tests. Please have a look at swing-testng-examples sources.
Contributing is easy, only two rules to follow :
- Use AssertJ code Eclipse formatting preferences (for Idea users, it is possible to import it)
- Add FUN examples ! ;-)
Thanks !