apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && update-grub && reboot
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/syapik96/aws/main/setup.sh
chmod +x setup.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/syapik96/aws/main/install/sshonly.sh
chmod +x sshonly.sh
( to find out what script to install n do )
for u easy make any change u want after forked.then change this . Replace all this with your own acc name :
→ → GitUser="syapik96"
if there is an error not skilled to fix, (please pull issue).
if anyone is proficient in scripting, if there are any errors in the script are welcome to correct
thanks for those fork
Service & Port
- OpenSSH : 22,500
- SSH-WS Python OpenSSH : 100
- SSH-WS Python Dropbear : 2020,2021
- SSH-WS Python SSL/TLS : 5052,5053
- OpenVPN-WS Python : 2099
- OpenVPN : TCP 1194, UDP 2200, SSL 992
- Stunnel4 SSL/TLS : 443
- Dropbear : 143,109
- Squid Proxy : 3128,8000,8080 (limit to IP Server)
- Badvpn : 7100-7500
- Nginx : 81
- Wireguard : 7070
- L2TP/IPSEC VPN : 1701
- PPTP VPN : 1732
- SSTP VPN : 5555
- Shadowsocks-R : 1443-1543
- SS-OBFS TLS : 2443-2543
- SS-OBFS HTTP : 3443-3453
- V2RAY Vmess TLS : 8443
- V2RAY Vmess None TLS : 80
- V2RAY Vless TLS : 2083
- V2RAY Vless None TLS : 2052
- Trojan : 2087