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About tscheck

tscheck is a tool for finding bugs in hand-written TypeScript type definitions (.d.ts files). It works by comparing the type definitions to the actual JavaScript library implementation.


  • Install node.js if you don't already have it.
  • npm install -g tscheck


To check foo.d.ts against the library foo.js, run the command:

tscheck foo.js foo.d.ts

Or simply:

tscheck foo

Run tscheck -h for a list of options.


tscheck prints a series of warnings, one warning per line, in no particular order.

The warnings have the format expected X but found Y. This means the value one would get by evaluating the pseudo-expression was expected to have type X, but tscheck found something of type Y instead.

If there is no output, it means tscheck found no bugs in your .d.ts file. This does not guarantee that the type definitions are actually correct, it just means that tscheck could not find anything wrong.

In some cases, tscheck may get confused and report "false warnings", complaining about type definitions that are actually correct. tscheck apologizes for the inconvenience.


tscheck can take several minutes to complete. If you are impatient, pass the flag --no-analysis, this will perform a much faster check, but it will also find fewer bugs.

If you wish to check a specific part of the API, you can pass the flag --path foo to only check paths that contain the string foo; this will typically speed things up a lot.

If tscheck seems to get stuck, try passing --expose-gc to the node process. This alleviates a problem with the v8 garbage collector.

Note that even for tiny .d.ts files, tscheck still has a warm-up time of a few seconds due to parsing TypeScript's lib.d.ts file.

Other Usage Notes

If your .d.ts file depends on other files you must concatenate them yourself before feeding them to tscheck. Likewise, the JavaScript library must be compiled to a single .js file.

Please run tsc on your .d.ts file before running tscheck. tscheck assumes that your .d.ts passes some well-formedness checks performed by the TypeScript compiler, and will react violently otherwise.

tscheck will leave a .jsnap file next to your .js file. It contains a snapshot created with jsnap. Feel free to delete it; tscheck will regenerate if necessary, although it speeds things up a bit if you leave it there.

About tscore

tscore is a subsystem in tscheck which converts a .d.ts file into an instance of a much simpler structural type system, in which name resolution and inheritance have been fully resolved.

tscore is of no importance to most TypeScript users, but programming language enthusiasts working with TypeScript may find it useful.

The output of tscore is a JSON-like object following this informal specification:

type TypeScriptDeclarationFile = {
	global: string 	// name of global type in env
	env: StringMap[TypeDef]
	externs: StringMap[string] // external module names -> key in TypeEnv,
	enums: StringMap[EnumDef]

interace StringMap[T] = { // map from string to T
	[s:string]: T 	

// paths to values of enum, (eg. [Foo.X, Foo.Y, Foo.Z])
type EnumDef = Array[String] 

interface TypeDef {
	typeParameters: Array[string],
	object: ObjectType

type Type
	= ObjectType 
	| EnumType 
	| BuiltinType 
	| StringConstType 
	| TypeParamRef 
	| TypeRef

interface TypeRef {
	type: 'reference',
	name: string 	// index into type env
	typeArguments: Array[Type]
interface ObjectType {
	type: 'object'
	properties: StringMap[Property]
	calls: Array[Call]
	stringIndexer: Type | null
	numberIndexer: Type | null
	brand: string | null // path to constructor
	meta: {
		kind: 'module' | 'class' | 'interface'
		origin: string 			// which file contributed the type
interface Property {
	optional: boolean
	type: Type
	meta: {
		origin: string  	     // which file contributed the property
interface Call {
	new: boolean
	variadic: boolean
	typeParameters: Array[TypeParameter]
	parameters: Array[Parameter]
	returnType: Type
	meta: {
		implicit: boolean 	// true if default constructor
interface Parameter {
	optional: boolean
	name: string
	type: Type
interface TypeParameter {
	name: string
	constraint: Type | null
interface EnumType {
	type: 'enum'
	name: string
interface BuiltinType {
	type: 'number' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'void' | 'any'
interface StringConstType {
	type: 'string-const'
	value: string
interface TypeParamRef {
	type: 'type-param'
	name: string


Finding bugs in TypeScript type definitions.







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