The sample config file is generated from a results of the SampleConfig()
functions of the plugins.
You can generate a full sample config:
telegraf config
You can also generate the config for a particular plugin using the -usage
telegraf --usage influxdb
In the config file we use 2-space indention. Since the config is TOML the indention has no meaning.
Documentation is double commented, full sentences, and ends with a period.
## This text describes what an the exchange_type option does.
# exchange_type = "topic"
Try to give every parameter a default value whenever possible. If an parameter does not have a default or must frequently be changed then have it uncommented.
## Brokers are the AMQP brokers to connect to.
brokers = ["amqp://localhost:5672"]
Options where the default value is usually sufficient are normally commented out. The commented out value is the default.
## What an exchange type is.
# exchange_type = "topic"
If you want to show an example of a possible setting filled out that is different from the default, show both:
## Static routing key. Used when no routing_tag is set or as a fallback
## when the tag specified in routing tag is not found.
## example: routing_key = "telegraf"
# routing_key = ""
Unless parameters are closely related, add a space between them. Usually parameters is closely related have a single description.
## If true, queue will be declared as an exclusive queue.
# queue_exclusive = false
## If true, queue will be declared as an auto deleted queue.
# queue_auto_delete = false
## Authentication credentials for the PLAIN auth_method.
# username = ""
# password = ""
An parameters should usually be describable in a few sentences. If it takes much more than this, try to provide a shorter explanation and provide a more complex description in the Configuration section of the plugins README
Boolean parameters should be used judiciously. You should try to think of something better since they don't scale well, things are often not truly boolean, and frequently end up with implicit dependencies: this option does something if this and this are also set.