- OpenCL SDK
- Python3 for building
- cmake
- OpenBLAS for CPU only inference/training
- Sqlite3 for caching of compiled kernels for non-NVidia GPUs to improve startup times
- boost python and boost numpy - for python bindings
- Google protobuf for ONNX support
- HDF5 C++ bindings for model loading/saving in HDF5 format instead of internal
Use following:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
Some OpenCL programs use older header CL/cl.hpp
, in order to make dlprimitives compatible and use the old header pass a parameter to cmake:
cmake -DUSE_CL_HPP=ON ..
make test
or ctest
By default ctest used 0:0
GPU - 0 platform, 0 device if you want to change it to another one, lets say platform 1 and device 0, pass parameter to cmake: -DTEST_DEV="1:0"
Provide -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/installation/location
to cmake, for example
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/dlprim ..
In order to use python bindings export PYTHONPATH=/opt/dlprim/python
- according to your installed location
Running benchmakrs on opencl platform:device 0:0
# Inference
./dlprim_benchmark 0:0 ../docs/nets_for_benchmark/resnet18-b16.js
# Train
./dlprim_benchmark -b 0:0 ../docs/nets_for_benchmark/resnet18-b16.js
- MinGW compiler has troubles with cl2.hpp, so it is recommended to set an option
- Under windows the library is build as static library