Creates aviation style checklists like Quick Reference Handbooks.
- Index
- Section
- Conditions
- Objective
- Step (When/If)
- Sub Step
- Caution
- Note
- Choose One
- Go to step
- End section now
#import "@preview/quick-sip:0.1.0": *
#show: QRH.with(title: "Cup of Tea")
Then add a section:
#section("Cup of Tea preparation")[
#step("KETTLE", "Filled to 1 CUP")
#step([*When* KETTLE boiled:], "")
#step([*If* sugar required], "")
//.. Rest of section goes here
An index with an entry for each section in the document.
A section title, forces capitalisation.
#section("Cup of Tea preparation")[
//.. Rest of section goes here
Conditionals for this section.
- Dehydration
- Fatigue
- Inability to Concentrate
An objective for this section (optional).
#objective[To replenish fluids.]
A numbered step in the checklist. The first parameter is to the left of the dotted line, the second is to the right. If the second parameter is ""
then there is no dotted line.
#step("KETTLE", "Filled to 1 CUP")
#step([*When* KETTLE boiled:], "")
#step([*If* sugar required], "")
Indents contents by one tab.
#tab(tab("Large mugs may require more water."))
Adds a caution element.
#caution([HOT WATER #linebreak()Adult supervision required.])
Adds a note.
#note("Stir after each step")
A numbered step with options.
#option[Black tea *required:*]
#option[Tea with MILK *required:*]
Two right facing arrow heads followed by Go to step step number
. Links to step in pdf.
Ends the section now with 4 dots.