CPSC (CPSC Program Similar to Chess) allows users to play a variant of chess with fog of war. In other words, a player can only see squares that a piece of their colour can move to on the next turn.
Anyone with some free time and a friend to play with can try CPSC, especially those with an interest in chess or other strategic games.
Chess has recently undergone an unprecedented rise in popularity, and I wanted to try putting a unique spin on the classic format. Additionally, from a programming standpoint, I believe that chess is a sufficiently complex game which will be challenging but rewarding to implement.
As a user, I want to be able to...
- add a move to a list of prior moves.
- move pieces on the board according to chess rules.
- play against another user on the same device.
- view the current state of the board.
- save a game that is currently in progress.
- load a previously saved game and continue playing.
- export a game to a PGN-like(?) format.
- A square is only visible if a piece of the player's colour is on it or can move to it on the next turn.
- Players are not informed of check. The king may move into or be left in check.
- There is no checkmate. The game ends when a player's king is captured.
- Under-promotion is not implemented—a pawn is automatically promoted to a queen on its last rank.