A list of useful materials about Create ML and Core ML.
I created it during my preparation to a talk "From SwiftUI to Core ML and back: text analysis in iOS.".
All Core ML sessions, especially:
- Deploy machine learning and AI models on-device with Core ML
- Get models on device using Core ML Converters
- Make apps smarter with Natural Language
- Training Text Classifiers in Create ML
- Introducing the Create ML App
- Core ML Survival Guide by Matthijs Hollemans
- Machine Learning by Tutorials by Kodeco
- Machine Learning with Core ML by Joshua Newnham
- Mastering Machine Learning with Core ML and Python by AppCoda
- Core ML Tools. Convert models from TensorFlow, PyTorch, and other libraries to Core ML.
- exporters. Export Hugging Face models to Core ML and TensorFlow Lite
- CoreMLHelpers. Types and functions that make it a little easier to work with Core ML in Swift.
Artem Novichkov, https://www.artemnovichkov.com/