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End-to-end tests

Test code structure

There are three directories under test/:

  1. test/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Test/: The actual tests live here, as do "fixtures" (setup and tear-down code that runs before/after/between tests) and the Context class (exposes the test arguments to tests).
  2. test/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Test.Common/: The helper library tests use to do interesting things--like deploy modules or wait for a message to arrive in IoT Hub--lives here.
  3. test/modules: All test modules live here. The common pattern for an end-to-end test is to deploy some modules that run through a scenario (i.e., the thing you actually want to test, like sending messages between modules), then wait for them to report some result.

How to run the tests

Software Requirements

End-to-end tests are written in .NET Core and run with the dotnet test command, so you need to install .NET Core SDK.

The tests install the IoT Edge runtime on the local host, so your machine must support IoT Edge. Check out our installation docs (Linux, Windows) to see what steps the test fixtures take to install IoT Edge, and to ensure your machine meets any prerequisites. Note that on Linux, the fixtures do not install Moby engine; you need to install Moby engine (or Docker) before you run the tests.

Test parameters

The end-to-end tests take several parameters, which they expect to find in a file named context.json in the same directory as the test binaries (e.g., test/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Test/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/context.json). Parameter names are case-insensitive. The parameters are:

Name Required Description
caCertScriptPath * Path to the folder containing (Linux) or ca-certs.ps1 (Windows). Required when running the test 'TransparentGateway', ignored otherwise.
dpsIdScope * The ID Scope assigned to a Device Provisioning Service. Required when running any DPS tests, ignored otherwise.
edgeAgentImage Docker image to pull/use for Edge Agent. If not given, the default value is used. This setting only applies to any configurations deployed by the tests. Note also that the default value is ALWAYS used in config.yaml to start IoT Edge; this setting only applies to any configurations deployed by the tests.
edgeHubImage Docker image to pull/use for Edge Hub. If not given, is used.
installerPath Path to the Windows installer script IotEdgeSecurityDaemon.ps1. This parameter is ignored on Linux, and optional on Windows. If not given on Windows, the default script will be downloaded from to a temporary location.
loadGenImage * LoadGen image to be used. Required when running PriorityQueue tests, ignored otherwise.
logFile Path to which all test output will be written, including verbose output. This setting allows the user to capture all the details of a test pass while keeping the shell window output free of visual clutter. Note that daemon logs and module logs are always written to the same directory as the test binaries (e.g., test/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Test/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/*.log), independent of this parameter.
methodReceiverImage * Docker image to pull/use for the 'DirectMethodReceiver' module. Required when running the test 'ModuleToModuleDirectMethod', ignored otherwise.
methodSenderImage * Docker image to pull/use for the 'DirectMethodSender' module. Required when running the test 'ModuleToModuleDirectMethod', ignored otherwise.
networkControllerImage * NetworkControllerImage image to be used. Required when running PriorityQueue tests, ignored otherwise.
optimizeForPerformance Boolean value passed to Edge Hub. Usually set to 'false' when running on more constrained platforms like Raspberry Pi. If not given, it defaults to 'true'.
packagePath Path to the folder containing IoT Edge installation packages (e.g., .deb files on Linux, .cab file on Windows). If not given, the latest stable release packages are downloaded and used.
parentHostname parent hostname to enable connection to parent edge device in nested edge scenario. Required when running nested edge tests, ignored otherwise.
proxy URL of an HTTPS proxy server to use for all communication to IoT Hub.
registries JSON array of container registries to be used by the tests. This information will be added to configurations deployed to the edge device under test. If not given, IoT Edge will attempt anonymous access to container registries. The format of each JSON object in the array is: { "address": "{server hostname}", "username": "{username}" }. Note that each object must also have a value "password": "{password}", but you are encouraged to use an environment variable to meet this requirement (see Secret test parameters below).
relayerImage * Relayer image to be used. Required when running PriorityQueue tests, ignored otherwise.
rootCaCertificatePath * Full path to a root certificate given to leaf test devices so they can verify the authenticity of Edge Hub during the TLS handshake. Required when running the test 'TransparentGateway', ignored otherwise.
rootCaPrivateKeyPath * Full path to a file containing the private key associated with rootCaCertificatePath. Required when running the test 'TransparentGateway', ignored otherwise.
setupTimeoutMinutes The maximum amount of time, in minutes, test setup should take. This includes setup for all tests, for the tests in a fixture, or for a single test. If this time is exceeded, the associated test(s) will fail with a timeout error. If not given, the default value is 5.
teardownTimeoutMinutes The maximum amount of time, in minutes, test teardown should take. This includes teardown for all tests, for the tests in a fixture, or for a single test. If this time is exceeded, the associated test(s) will fail with a timeout error. If not given, the default value is 2.
tempFilterFuncImage * Azure temperature filter function to be used. Required when running the test 'TempFilterFunc', ignored otherwise.
tempFilterImage * Docker image to pull/use for the temperature filter module. Required when running the test 'TempFilter', ignored otherwise.
tempSensorImage Docker image to pull/use for the temperature sensor module (see the test 'TempSensor'). If not given, is used.
numberLoggerImage Docker image to pull/use for the Edge agent direct method tests. Used to generate predictable logs.
testResultCoordinatorImage * TestResultCoordinator image to be used. Required when running PriorityQueue or GenericMqtt tests, ignored otherwise.
genericMqttTesterImage * GenericMqttTester image to be used. Required when running GenericMqtt tests, ignored otherwise.
testTimeoutMinutes The maximum amount of time, in minutes, a single test should take. If this time is exceeded, the associated test will fail with a timeout error. If not given, the default value is 5.
verbose Boolean value indicating whether to output more verbose logging information to standard output during a test run. If not given, the default is false.

Test secrets

The tests also expect to find several secret parameters. While these can technically be added to context.json, it is recommended that you create environment variables and make them available to the test framework in a way that avoids committing them to your shell's command history or saving them in clear text on your filesystem. When set as environment variables, all secret parameters must be prefixed with E2E_. Parameter names are case-insensitive; they're only shown in uppercase here to follow the common convention for environment variables, and to stand out as secrets.

Name Required Description
[E2E_]DPS_GROUP_KEY * The symmetric key of the DPS enrollment group to use. Required when running any DPS tests, ignored otherwise.
[E2E_]IOT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING Hub-scoped IoT Hub connection string that can be used to get/add/remove devices, deploy edge configurations, and get/update module twins.
[E2E_]EVENT_HUB_ENDPOINT Connection string used to connect to the Event Hub-compatible endpoint of your IoT Hub, to listen for D2C events sent by devices or modules.
[E2E_]REGISTRIES__{n}__PASSWORD Password associated with a container registry entry in the registries array of context.json. {n} is the number corresponding to the (zero-based) array entry. For example, if you specified a single container registry in the registries array, the corresponding parameter would be [E2E_]REGISTRIES__0__PASSWORD.
[E2E_]ROOT_CA_PASSWORD The password associated with the root certificate specified in rootCaCertificatePath.
[E2E_]BLOB_STORE_SAS The sas token used to upload module logs and support bundle in the tests.

Note: the definitive source for information about test parameters is test/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Test/helpers/Context.cs.

Running the tests

With the test parameters and secrets in place, you can run all the end-to-end tests from the command line

In Windows Command Prompt (Admin),

cd {repo root}
dotnet test test/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Test

For Linux,

cd {repo root}
sudo --preserve-env dotnet test ./test/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Test 

To learn about other ways to run the tests (e.g., to run only certain tests), see Running selective unit tests


File handle limit in VS Code

If you are using VS Code in Linux, it is recommended that you increase the maximum number of file I/O handles to prevent tests from hitting the limit. To learn how to increase the file I/O capacity, see

Note: You will need to increase both fs.inotify.max_user_instances and fs.inotify.max_user_watches