AD is a podcast focused on sharing ideas and concepts related to DevOps and all sorts of related goodies. The target audience is not the deeply knowledgeable DevOps guru, but rather software and infrastructure practioners who want to know more about DevOps and how it can help them.
- To help DevOps newbies get ramped up on the ideas, so they can better consume the more advanced material that exists.
- Matt has opinions and the Internet needs to hear them.
- Allow various roles in the delivery process (other than the usual tech folks) a forum to share their thoughts (product owners, testers, data peeps, etc)
- Be judgey about technolgy. We believe in the right tool for the job, and the right tool may differ from situation to situation.
- Speaking of tools, don't get all tool-focused. Tools are easy. People are hard.
- Avoid "inside baseball" as much as possible. It's fine to quote and refer to the experts, but steer clear of name-dropping.
- Tweet to followers that the episode is starting
- If appropriate, make sure everyone knows this is recordinng live and that the video cannot be edited later.
- Make sure everyone knows when we are 'On the Air'
- Keep the main section to 1 hour, but "check-outs" can run long
- Tell everyone when you go 'Off the Air'
- Post-production
- create stub of show notes w/link to youtube video and publish
- download the video from youtube
- strip the audio FLVTO
- put together show notes using template
- Add theme song to beginning and end
- remove blank spots and bad words from audio
- upload to S3
- grab the url to the mp3 download
- add mp3 download url to show notes and push
- tweet that show now available
- Sprint Retro - less than 5 mins about what panelists have learned since last episode
- Guest intros
- Topic Discussion
- Check-outs
- Goodbye and thank guests
- Family-friendly, keep it G-rated
- Don't talk about politics, religion, your sexual exploits. 50% will disagree w/ you and the other 50% won't care.
- Don't trash talk your existing employer or clients (duh)