In this project me and my partner Rajshree Khare designed and implemented a Facility Management System (FMS) for IIITD, an improved version of our college’s current existing FMS. Our task was to create a software by implementing the advanced OOP concepts.
This is an automated facility management system where task will be automatically assigned to the workers. This portal provides various services to the resident of IIITD like Electrical, Housekeeping, Horticulture, and work done by Carpenter and Mason. Main functionality of this portal is to provide a platform for booking complaint for repair, performing maintenance or upgradation activities, keeping track record of each employee.
User using the system are Students, FMS Employee and FMS Administrator. There are employee for each type of service like electrician to do electrical work, sweepers for housekeeping, gardeners, carpenter and mason. This will be a text based system. All complaints and facility management will be done through command.
We made a Facebook based system. For this we have created a FMS Facebook page. On that page users can communicate using Facebook post where they will type the command in specific format and further communication (like request for feedback, etc.) regarding that complaint/information will be posted in the reply of that post/message.
- Registration: Each employee and student have to register themselves on the system. Administrator of the Facebook page will be the administrator of this system. All details like userid, name, type (employee/student), type of profession (if he is an employee), and all other relevant details are taken at the time of registration.
- Complaint/request for Repair: Student can complaint about a specific service provided or request for repair. User will mention location, type of service needed, and all other relevant details.
- Assigning Task: For complaint and request for repair, system will automatically assign an employee of specific profession as requested by the user to that complaint. After completion of the task, employee will tell the system about status of the job done and student will be asked for confirmation and feedback. The task has to be completed in 24 hours deadline. Count of task completed and task not completed in time/ bad feedback for each employee will be maintained. If number of task completed is 10 less than the other then that employee is reported to the admins.
- First the employees and the students get themselves registered.
- A Successful registration is notified by an “Ok.” reply on the post else an error message is posted as reply.
- Only a registered student can post the complaint on the page.
- Once the complaint is posted, then the system assigns the task to the employee based on the availability.
- The assigned employee is tagged in the comment as reply, hence he/she gets notified about the task.
- When the task is completed, the the employee posts “Done.” as a reply on the same post and the task completion time is recorded.
- Now the system posts another comment asking for the students feedback for the service, which is a rating from 1 to 5, with 1 as the highest rating and 5 as the least.
We initially created a facebook page named FMS IIIT-Delhi, where all the users shall create a post and using the formats we mentioned in registration section. We will call Facebook's Graph API for the generated page for each 5 minutes. Since our project was in Java and facebook didn't have any official Java written Graph API, we used RestFB, which is a pure Java Facebook Graph API client with no external dependencies. We extracted all the information of any post and user using RestFB and processed later.
We used to simple SQL database for our project. We named our primary database FMS, which consits of total three tables. Following are the details of each table separately.
This table is for storing the basic information for the students. We stored the total 4 fields of each students - Roll No, Name, Room No and Facebook Unique ID of the student.
Field | Type | Null Value | Key Type | Default Value |
rollno | varchar(10) | NO | Primary | NULL |
name | varchar(100) | NO | - | NULL |
roomno | varchar(10) | NO | - | NULL |
sfbid | varchar(30) | YES | Unique | NULL |
This table is for storing the basic information for the FMS employees. We stored the total 4 fields of each students - Facebook Unique ID, Name, Department and No of tasks completed by of the employee.
Field | Type | Null Value | Key Type | Default Value |
efbid | varchar(30) | YES | Primary | NULL |
name | varchar(100) | NO | - | NULL |
dept | varchar(20) | NO | - | NULL |
tasks | int(11) | NO | - | NULL |
This table is for storing all the complaint/request details done by the students. Following is the table format and description of each field.
Field | Type | Null Value | Key Type | Default Value | Description |
postid | varchar(100) | NO | Primary | NULL | Facebook generated unique ID of the post |
sfbid | varchar(30) | NO | - | NULL | Facebook generated unique ID for the student |
roomno | varchar(10) | NO | - | NULL | Student Room No |
dept | varchar(20) | NO | - | NULL | Employee's department |
descr | varchar(500) | NO | - | NULL | Complaint description posted by the student |
efbid | varchar(30) | NO | Primary | NULL | Facebook generated unique ID for the employee |
stime | datetime | NO | - | NULL | Task start time |
etime | datetime | YES | - | NULL | Task end time |
iscompleted | int(11) | NO | - | 0 | A boolean value to indicate weather the task is completed(1) or not(0) |
rating | varchar(1) | YES | - | NULL | Rating given by the student on a scale [1-5] |
israted | int(11) | YES | - | 0 | A boolean column to indicate whether user has provided rating(1) or not(0) |
We followed a strict format for all the tasks. Based on the mentioned format we extract the data from the post posted by students or employees on the facebook page using Graph API.
- Syntax:
register student rollno roomno_hosteltype
- Example:
REG STU MT17007 C104_B
- Syntax:
register employee department
- Example:
Departpent Keyword | Departpent Name |
ELEC | Electrician |
HOUSE | Housekeeping |
HORTI | Horticulture |
CARP | Carpenter |
MASO | Mason |
- Syntax:
complaint roomno_hosteltype department compaint_description
- Example:
COMP C404G ELEC Please fix my AC!