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cargo build --release && ./target/release/algo-viz-rs [--options]
cargo run --release -- [--options]
Usage: algo-viz-rs [OPTIONS] [SORTING_ALGO]
[SORTING_ALGO] [default: bubblesort] [possible values: bubblesort, insertionsort, selectionsort]
-m, --max-val <MAX_VAL> [default: 1000]
-n, --no-rects <NO_RECTS> [default: 150]
-s, --steps-per-second <STEPS_PER_SECOND> [default: 10]
-h, --help Print help
To auralize the sorting steps I am using the rodio library. Depending on the device and its drivers following may happen: If one goes above around 70 steps, the audio becomes asynchronous and above 100 it disappears completely. This is because the sine waves that get generated do not have a duration long enough for the audio device/drive on the computer to pick up and therefore they are not able to output them.
Currently tested on Fedora 38 on X11, MacOS 12.
Wayland fails to load and work!
Currently the following 3 algorithms were implemented:
- Rust Compiler, >=1.67
For the rust toolchain below 1.67
version 0.8.1
- You may need the
package on Fedora based systems, in order for ggez to compile
- Add further algorithms
- Mergesort, Quicksort, ...
- Spacing between bars?
- Add GUI wrapping rendering
- dropdowns for CLI options
- Add cli option for audio range in Hz
- Improve sound at higher SPS, e.g., low-pass filter
- The algorithms were adopted from TheAlgorithms/Rust
- Used code examples from rodio and ggez