The contributions to Armed Bear constitute Common Lisp only code that is potentially useful for system construction and distribution.
As such, these contributions have varying license terms which the end user needs to accept on her own terms. Please see the licensing metadata as expressed in the ASDF definitions for the status of your usage.
Loads and installs the Quicklisp library manager from the network
if not locally present.
ABCL specific extensions to ASDF, including resolution of binary
JVM artifacts cached from the network according to Maven metadata
with the derived transitive relationships.
Package ASDF system definitions into JVM artifacts for
A higher-order, more Lisp oriented interface for constructing Lisp
interfaces to existing binary code libraries available for the JVM
built on the primitives provided by the JAVA package. Used in the
[lsw2][] Semantic Web package for dealing with OWL2 ontologies in
RDF(S) and other notations.
The "original" higher-order JVM interface descended from Rich
Hickey's work on the JVM before Clojure. This implementation
currently uses a fork of the public [JFLI][] API that uses the
java interop of the ABCL JAVA package instead of the JNI
A collection of various useful JVM artifacts downloaded and cached
by the Aether Maven connector. Requires the maven-3.0.3
executable "mvn" (or "mvn.bat" under MSFT Windows) to be in the
current processes's path. These artifacts load the binary
artifacts necessary in the current JVM process,
mvn currently includes:
JNA provides an the ability to dynamically link to shared
executables on the host platform, needed by CFFI.
An example of a dependency without an explicit version.
Advanced introspection of Java and Lisp runtime classes
The ABCL build system plus associated utilities for manipulating
external tools via UIOP.
named-readtables (BSD Licensed) From
NAMED-READTABLES is a library that provides a namespace for
readtables akin to the already-existing namespace of packages. In
- you can associate readtables with names, and retrieve
readtables by names;
- you can associate source files with readtable names, and be
sure that the right readtable is active when compiling/loading
the file;
- similiarly, your development environment now has a chance to
automatically determine what readtable should be active while
processing source forms on interactive commands. (E.g. think of
`C-c C-c` in Slime (yet to be done))
Mark <>
Created: 2011-09-11
Revised: 2017-06-11
<> abcl:documents <> .