Note This plugin is currently under active development and still in an early stage. Check the roadmap below in this readme for more details / upcoming features.

The most recent version of payload-google-autocomplete-places currently only supports Payload 2.0 and up.
$ yarn add payload-google-autocomplete-places
$ npm i payload-google-autocomplete-places
import { CollectionConfig } from "payload/types";
import { googleMapAutoCompletePlaces } from "payload-google-autocomplete-places";
const Examples: CollectionConfig = {
slug: "examples",
admin: {
useAsTitle: "title",
fields: [
name: "title",
type: "text",
apiKey: "", //<google maps API Key Goes Here>
name: "google_location",
label: "Google Location",
import { CollectionConfig } from "payload/types";
import { googleMapAutoCompletePlaces } from "payload-google-autocomplete-places";
const Examples: CollectionConfig = {
slug: "examples",
admin: {
useAsTitle: "title",
fields: [
name: "title",
type: "text",
apiKey: "", //<google maps API Key Goes Here>
name: "google_location",
label: "Google Location",
required: true,
minLengthAutocomplete: 3,
autocompletionRequest: {
bounds: [
{ lat: 50, lng: 50 },
{ lat: 100, lng: 100 },
componentRestrictions: {
country: ["us", "ca", "uy"],
}, //Note: for more information check google documentation(
debounce: 400,
apiOptions: { language: "fr", region: "fr" }, //Note: for more information check google documentation(
withSessionToken: true, //If this prop is set to true, the component will handle changing the sessionToken on every session. To learn more about how this works refer to Google Places Session Token docs(
admin: {
description: "Please pick a location",
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
position: "sidebar",
readOnly: false,
placeholder: "Please select a location",
access: {
create: () => true,
read: () => true,
update: () => true,
latLng: {
showFields: true,
name: "latlng",
label: "location coordinates",
required: true,
admin: {
description: "Auto populated location coordinates",
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
position: "sidebar",
access: {
create: () => true,
read: () => true,
update: () => true,
- [] Payload 3.0 support
- [] Adding Unit test for each component
- [] Add Maps pointer preview