Fast drag and drop for any experience on any tech stack
Advanced Subscription Manager for QX, Loon, Surge, Stash, Egern and Shadowrocket!
A collection of familiar, friendly, and modern emoji from Microsoft
Chinese language file for Axure RP. Axure RP 简体中文语言包。支持 Axure 11、10、9。不定期更新。
❶ One is a new React framework - target web and native with a single Vite plugin and fully shared code, so you can ship cross-platform nearly as easy as single-platform.
⚡️HivisionIDPhotos: a lightweight and efficient AI ID photos tools. 一个轻量级的AI证件照制作算法。
Change the style of the Apple logo in macOS menu bar / 更换macOS菜单栏苹果Logo样式的小工具
A Flutter UI Kit(一个 Flutter UI组件库),包含 ScaleView, Swiper, PullRefresh, WaterMark, GradientCircularProgressIndicator...
Enjoy the magic of Diffusion models!
CLI for bluetooth on OSX: power, discoverable state, list, inquire devices, connect, info, …
Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio.
tsssni's modules & functions & packages & system configs shared via flake
Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
A collection of advanced CSS styles to create realistic-looking effects for the faces of Pokemon cards.
Vue3 + Pinia 仿抖音,Vue 在移动端的最佳实践 . Imitate TikTok ,Vue Best practices on Mobile