Reference section which explains the functions and constants defined in the library.
- BLE PeripheralBase
- BLEuart
- Button
- ButtonGroup
- CapacitiveSwitch
- IRarray
- Joystick
- Knob
- LightSensor
- Melody and pitches
- Player
- TiltSwitch
- UltrasonicSensor
- VUMeter
- Wheels
- PiezoKnockSensor
BLEPeripheralBase(): (constructor) Creates a BLE peripheral object.
setName(name): changes the name of the BLE peripheral to name.
searchCentral(): returns true if the connection to the central BLE is active, false otherwise.
connected(): returns true if the device is connected, false otherwise.
BLEuart( exampleID ): (constructor) Creates a BLEuart object.
begin(): initializes the UART communications.
setExampleID( exampleID ): assigns exampleID.
dataReceived(): returns the data currently in the receive buffer.
fetchData(): stores the values in the buffer in the memory and sets the buffer information counter to 0 to be filled again.
send(): sends the information currently stored in the send buffer.
sendString( * text, length ): sends the string.
receivedString(): returns the information stored in the buffer.
getReceivedLength(): returns the length of the received information.
addValue( val ): adds data to the send buffer.
addValueAt( val, position ): adds data to the send buffer in a certain position.
getValueAt( position). returns the data in the position of the receive buffer.
Button(pin, pressedValue): (constructor) Creates a button object with the pin it is connected to, and the pressedValue it will have when pressed (pressed = 0 or pressed = 1).
begin(): initializes the button-related variables. Sets the pin the button is connected to as an input.
pressed(timeout): stops the program until the state of the button changes to pressed. It will wait up to timeout milliseconds, or forever if timeout is 0.
released(timeout): stops the program until the state of the button changes to released (not pressed). It will wait up to timeout milliseconds, or forever if timeout is 0.
doublePressed(timeout, tolerance): stops the program until the button has been pressed 2 times. It will wait up to timeout milliseconds for the first clicking (forever if timeout is 0), and tolerance milliseconds for the second pressing.
isPressed(): returns the state of the button, true if the button is pressed, false if it is released.
checkPress(timeout, requiredState): checks if the button's state has changed from other state, to requiredState within timeout milliseconds.
getState(): returns the current state of the pin connected to the button.
ButtonGroup(): (constructor) Creates an object of a group of buttons to manage together (Up to 10).
begin(length, buttons[], pressedValue): Initializes the basic variables related to the group of buttons, with length as the amount of buttons in that group (no more than 10), in pins button[], with pressedValue as the status of the pins when the buttons are pressed (pressed = 0 or pressed = 1).
pressed(timeout): stops the program until the state of any of the buttons changes to pressed and returns the number of that button. It will wait up to timeout milliseconds (forever if timeout is 0), and if no button was pressed during this time, it will return -1.
checkPressed(timeout, requiredValue): stops the program until the state of any of the buttons' state changes to requiredValue and returns the number of that button. It will wait up to timeout milliseconds (forever if timeout is 0), and if no button was pressed during this time, it will return -1.
CapacitiveSwitch( pin_in, pin ): (constructor) Creates a CapacitiveSwitch object, where pin_in is the digital pin that acts as the sender (the same pin_in can be used as sender for several capacitive sensors), and pin is the digital pin that acts as the receiver (each different sensor must have a different pin).
config( threshold ): If the capacitive sensor is to be used as a switch, this function can be used to configure the threshold (value for the capacitive switch to register a press). test() can be used to check the sensor readings first in order to decide the threshold value.
pressed( timeout ): stops the program until the state of the sensor changes to pressed. It will wait up to timeout milliseconds, or forever if timeout is 0. Returns 1 if the sensor has been pressed, 0 if it's not.
released( timeout ): stops the program until the state of the sensor changes to released. It will wait up to timeout milliseconds, or forever if timeout is 0. Returns 1 if the sensor has been released, 0 if it's not.
test(): reads and prints on the Serial Monitor the values that the CapacitiveSensor is reading.
getValue(min): returns the current value read by the sensor.
getState(): returns the pressed or released state of the sensor.
IMU::IMU(): (constructor) Creates an IMU object.
begin( accRange, gyroRange): Initializes the IMU and sets accRange as the range of acceleration to be measured (2, 4, 8, or 16 for +/- 2/4/8/16g to be measured), and gyroRange as the range for the gyrosensor to measure (2000, 1000, 500, 250 or 125 for +/- 2000/1000/500/250/125 degrees per second). Needs to be called in the setup().
calibrate(): Autocalibrates the sensor's offset. During this procedure the board should stay motionless.
detectShock( shockThreashold, shockDuration): enables the shock detection feature, a shock will be detected as long as the shock is greater then shockThreashold, and lasts longer than shockDuration
attachCallback( * callback): when the shock is detected, the function callback will be called.
measureMotion(): retrieves and stores all currently available motion sensor raw values.
calculateRollPitch():calculates the pitch and roll filtered values measured in degrees and stores them in internal variables.
calculateComplementaryRollPitch(): calculates the pitch and roll filtered values measured in degrees and stores them in internal variables.
run(): calculates the value of the pitch and roll angles and stores it in the internal variables. if FILTER_TYPE is 1, it will calculate the filtered value, if it is 0, it will calculate the unfiltered value.
getPitch(): returns the pitch angle value.
getRoll(): returns the roll angle value.
getAccelerometerX(): returns the raw value of the acceleration in X axis.
getAccelerometerY(): returns the raw value of the acceleration in X axis.
getAccelerometerZ(): returns the raw value of the acceleration in X axis.
getGyroX(): returns the raw value of the angular speed in X axis.
getGyroY(): returns the raw value of the angular speed in Y axis.
getGyroZ(): returns the raw value of the angular speed in Z axis.
getAccelerometerX_g(): returns the value of the acceleration in X axis measured in g.
getAccelerometerY_g(): returns the value of the acceleration in Y axis measured in g.
getAccelerometerZ_g(): returns the value of the acceleration in Z axis measured in g.
getGyroX_dps(): returns the value of the angular speed in X axis measured in degrees per second.
getGyroY_dps(): returns the value of the angular speed in Y axis measured in degrees per second.
getGyroZ_dps(): returns the value of the angular speed in Z axis measured in degrees per second.
convertAcclerometer_g(rawVal): converts rawVal to a multiplier to g.
convertGyro_dps( rawVal ): converts rawVal to degrees per second.
IRarray(IR1, IR2, IR3): (constructor) Creates an object of the 3 IR sensors connected to IR1, IR2 and IR3 to manage together. The default threshold value (the value at which the perceived value changes from 0 to 1) is 380, when using Arduino 101 this threshold needs to be set to 530 (use setThreshold()).
readBinary(): returns the decimal value of a the black and white values the IR is reading.
translateBinary(): translates the binary number in toBinary and returns its decimal value.
readLine(): checks if the robot is following the line and returns the value of the new speed for the wheels.
calculateVelocity(s): given the sum of the readings of the IR sensors, calculates and returns the new speed to give the wheels (if the robot is going out of the line).
test(): reads and prints on the Serial Monitor the values that each individual IR is reading.
setThreshold(t): sets to t the value of the threshold to interpret when the sensors change from 0 to 1.
Joystick(x, y): (constructor) Creates a joystick object which X coordinate is connected to x pin and Y coordinate to y pin.
getX(): returns the value of the X coordinate read by the joystick.
getY(): returns the value of the Y coordinate read by the joystick.
Knob(pin): (constructor) Creates a knob object, associated to pin pin.
getValue(): returns the value of the knob.
setLevels(levels): sets the highest value to map the readings from the knob.
getLevel(): gets the value of the knob mapped between 0 and levels.
LED(pin): (constructor) Creates an LED object, associated to pin pin.
begin(): initializes the LED pin as an input.
on(): lights up the LED.
off(): turns off the LED.
blink(speed, times): turns the LED on for speed milliseconds, then off for another speed milliseconds, and repeats it times times.
LighSensor(pin): (constructor) Creates a LightSensor object connected to pin.
calibrate(t): uses the values obtained during t milliseconds to set the values of the base (highest value measured), and the threshold that will set where the line is between measuring a 0 and a 1.
config(basevalue, threshold): allows changing the default values of the base and threshold manually.
showConfig(): prints to the Serial Monitor the current configuration values of the sensor. Needs the Serial communication to be enabled (Serial.begin on the setup).
test(): sends to the Serial Monitor the raw values received by the sensor. Useful in order to check the base and threshold values. Needs the Serial communication to be enabled (Serial.begin on the setup).
getState(): returns 0 if the measured value is between base and threshold, and 1 otherwise.
pressed(timeout): stops the program until the state of the sensor changes to pressed. It will wait up to timeout milliseconds, or forever if timeout is 0.
released(timeout): stops the program until the state of the sensor changes to released (not pressed). It will wait up to timeout milliseconds, or forever if timeout is 0.
In pitches.h there is a wide list with notes and their frequency, useful when playing melodies with the buzzer / piezo.
Melody(pin): (constructor) Creates a melody object, where the piezo / buzzer is connected to pin pin.
play(length, notes[], duration[], speed): plays the amount (length) of notes[] during their corresponding duration[] milliseconds, then pauses for some time depending on the speed or tempo (1 for normal speed, 0.5 to double the speed, etc).
beep(note, length): beeps the note during some amount of time depending on the length.
playTone(note, length): plays the note for length milliseconds.
effect_win(): plays a happy, winning melody.
effect_gameover(): plays a sad, game over melody.
effect_score(): plays a short melody, great when scoring points/goals.
Uses pins 0, 1 (Serial communication), 3 (PWM for the jack connector), 4 and 10 (SD card reader).
Player(): (constructor) Creates a player object.
begin(): Initializes the player's tools: jack and SD card reader components (already included in the Education Shield board).
initPlayer(): initializes pin 3.
initSD(): initializes pins 4 and 10 and prepares the card to be read. Prints an error in case there is one.
printDirectory(dir, numTabs): prints in the Serial Monitor the names of the files and directories inside the dir directory of the SD card.
play(name): plays the file name through the jack connector. While it is playing it, the Serial monitor will print dots until the file is finished, when "End of file. Thank you for listening!" will be printed.
TiltSwitch( pin, pressedValue): creates a TiltSwitch object, connected to pin, and the pressedValue it will have when upright (upright = 0 or upright = 1).
begin(): Initializes the component. Must be called in setup().
pressed(timeout): stops the program until the state of the tiltSwitch changes to tilted. It will wait up to timeout milliseconds, or forever if timeout is 0.
released(timeout): stops the program until the state of the button changes to upright (not pressed). It will wait up to timeout milliseconds, or forever if timeout is 0.
UltrasonicSensor(trig, echo): (constructor) Creates an Ultrasonic object, with the trigger connected to trig pin, and the echo connected to echo pin.
getDistance(): returns the distance measured by the sensor.
VUMeter(): (constructor) Creates an VUMeter object with its LEDs connected to pins 2 to 6 (by default).
config(length, pins[]): allows configuring the amount of pins, length, connected to pins[] in the VUMeter.
begin(): initializes the VUMeter. Sets all the pins as outputs. Should be called in setup().
on(index): turns on the LED in index position.
off(index): turns off the LED in index position.
scrollLeft(speed, startIndex): from right to left and one at a time, the LEDs will turn on for speed milliseconds then off.
scrollRigth(speed, startIndex): from left to right and one at a time, the LEDs will turn on for speed milliseconds then off.
fillFrom(leftIndex, rightIndex): will turn all LEDs off, then turn on just the ones from leftIndex to rightIndex.
fill(length): will turn on length LEDs, starting from the 1st one (index 0).
blink(index, speed, times): will turn on the the LED in index position during speed milliseconds, then off during speed milliseconds.
blinkAll(speed, times): will turn on all LEDs during speed milliseconds, then off during speed milliseconds.
test(): sends to the Serial Monitor the pin number of those used for the VUMeter. Useful in order to check if the pins and LEDs are connected correctly. Needs the Serial communication to be enabled (Serial.begin on the setup).
blinkOnce(index, onTime, offTime): turns the LED in index position on for onTime milliseconds, then off for offTime milliseconds.
clear(): turns off all LEDs.
Wheels(lpin, rpin): (constructor) Creates an Wheels object, with the left wheel connected to lpin and the right wheel connected to rpin.
begin(): initializes the object, and should be called in setup(). Sets the highest top speed, the lowest low speed, and the still (stopped) speed to their default values (120, 90 and 60).
go(tl, tr): gradually speeds up or slows down the robot from the previous speed to tl speed in the left wheel, and the tr speed on the right wheel.
goForward(): gradually sets the corresponding speed on the wheels for the robot to move forward.
goBackwards(): gradually sets the corresponding speed on the wheels for the robot to move backwards.
turnLeft(): gradually sets the corresponding speed on the wheels for the robot to turn left.
turnRight(): gradually sets the corresponding speed on the wheels for the robot to turn right.
standStill(): gradually stops the wheels.
follow(d): changes the speed of the motor's d units. Used with IRarray, and useful for the linefollower, where d would be the error when reading the line (how far away to the sides the robot is going), positive when the robot is diverting to the right of the line, 0 if it is on the line, and negative when it's diverting to the left.
PiezoKnockSensor(pin): (constructor) Creates an piezoKnockSensor object, connected to pin.
config(threshold, debounceTime): allows to change the default values of the threshold (value at which the board value changes from 0 to 1), and debounceTime to wait in order not to read the same knocking several times.
knocked(timeout): stops the program until the sensor is knocked or timeout milliseconds pass.
test(): sends to the Serial Monitor the raw values received by the sensor. Useful in order to check the threshold and debounce time. Needs the Serial communication to be enabled (Serial.begin on the setup).