Info about each dialog box's window
arguments, returned data and commands(accesskey) for menus/toolbars shortcut.
- calendar-print-dialog.xul
- calendar-alarm-dialog.xul
- calendar-conflicts-dialog.xul
- calendar-event-dialog-attendees.xul
- calendar-error-prompt.xul
- calendar-event-dialog-recurrence.xul
- calendar-event-dialog-reminder.xul
- calendar-event-dialog-timezone.xul
- calendar-event-dialog.xul
- calendar-invitations-dialog.xul
- calendar-migration-dialog.xul
- calendar-occurrence-prompt.xul
- calendar-properties-dialog.xul
- calendar-providerUninstall-dialog.xul
- calendar-subscriptions-dialog.xul
- calendar-summary-dialog.xul
- chooseCalendarDialog.xul
Info: This dialog is opened by clicking on calendar folder
and then select properties
. This dialog is opened whenever openCalendarProperties
(line#375) function is called.
Called: when anyitem of calendar-list-tree
is double clicked or clicked once and then properties
is selected.
Name: CalendarPropertiesDialog
Location/Size: modal(not for linux),chrome,titlebar,resizable
Window Arguments: XPCOM objects having calendar info.
- onload dialog event: initial data sent through postMessage api.
- ondialogaccept event: data from react/html sent sent through postMessage api to parent.
Type: Object
general: {
disabled: false,
forceDisabled: false,
autoEnabled: false,
color: "#deadbf",
name: "Calendar",
uri: "moz-storage-calendar://",
readOnly: true,
supressAlarms: false,
canRefresh: false,
refreshInterval: 30,
cache: {
supported: false,
enabled: false,
always: false
capabilities: {
alarms: {
popup: {
supported: true
imip: {
identity: {
disabled: false,
selected: "key1"
identities: [
name: "Arshad <>",
key: "key2"
name: "Philipp <>",
key: "key1"
...other tabs data,
source: "dialog-message"
ondialogaccept: onAcceptDialog
function's return value(in calendar-properties-dialog.js
). This function ultimately returns true
(signal for closing of dialog) after changing the gCalendar variable recieved through window arguments.
ondialogcancel: true
Files to checkout:
Info: This dialog is opened whenever calPrint
function is called. No window arguments are passed to this dialog.
1.Called from: calUtils.js Position: line#390
2.Called from: calendar-event-dialog.xul Position: line#100
3.Called from: calendar-common-sets.js Position: line#100
Name: Print
Location/Size: centerscreen,resizable
Window Arguments: none
ondialogaccept: printAndClose
function's return value(in calendar-print-dialog.js
ondialogcancel: true
onload: loadCalendarPrintDialog
(function in calendar-print-dialog.js
Checkout refreshHtml
(function in calendar-print-dialog.js
) too.
Files to checkout:
buttonaccesskeyaccept: &calendar.print.button.accesskey