- Fix Campfire adapter to specify a User-Agent
- Update Campfire adapter to specify a User-Agent
- Updated list of adapters in documentation
- Document script load order
- Support any file extension for script that node supports
- Expose the robot adapter name as
- Update error handling API to pass along
object in more cases - technicalpickles
- Support binding to a specific IP address - smerrill
- Add error handling API - technicalpickles
- Remove math.coffee since it uses a now-removed Google service - technicalpickles
- MOAR MUSTACHES - cannikin
- Fix new bot template to get the latest version of the bot - technicalpickles
- Fix documentation for setting up Redis on Heroku - thiagopnts
- Document script load ordering - balbeko
- Fix extra space in help messages - vanetix
- Parse 'Authors' section in script documentation - spajus
- Differentiate the different types of Campfire errors - simonsj
- Consistently load files across platform - technicalpickles
- Fix topic handler to be able to access the text of its body - wingrunr21
- Fix issues with disabling the HTTP server - balbeko
- Add usersWithRole to auth.coffee - jhubert
- Destructure TopicMessage in robot.coffee to fix a bug - tombell
- Update math.coffee to respond to calculator - bartolsthoorn
- Show robot.alias in help commands if defined - technicalpickles
- Epic documentation update - technicalpickels
- Remove tweet.coffee from generated hubot-scripts.json since it has a npm dependency - tombell
- Don't load roles.coffee if using auth.coffee - tombell
- Make sure to clear interval for pinging Heroku URL - tombell
- Fix deprecation warning in youtube.coffee - timclipsham
- Fix youtube results bug - timclipsham
- Clear ping timeout when shutting down - tombell
- Don't load roles.coffee if using auth.coffee - tombell
- Removed tweet.coffee from default hubot-scripts - tombell
- Removed Response#http deprecation warning - tombell
- Updated version range for hubot and hubot-scripts - tombell
- Fix an issue with the version being out of sync with the version specified in the generated package.json
- Add the ability for hubot to lock/unlock rooms in Campfire
- Fix race condition in brain loading
- Fixup translate scripts for spaces in languages
- Parse help from external script package scripts - aaronj1335
- Remove bad script header from pugme - maxgoedjen
- Fix exception when sending multiple messages - aroben
- Add 'maths' to math me regex - jacksonhull
- Add the auth script as a default script - tombell
- Updated @userForId uses for deprecation - kch
- Fix hubot respond bug - shiwano
- Default user-agent for HTTP requests - aroben
- Fix copying executable files - brntbeer
- Fix issues with mkdirDashP - Ronald Evers
- Add the ability to listen for topic changes - wingrunr21 and tombell
- Register default HTTP routes with robot.name - kashyapp
- Swap connect out for express - creatorr
- Brain has become more key-value store-like - creatorr
- Google Image script improvements - kyleslattery
- Help script fixes - Abraham
- Add deprecation messages to functions - tombell
- Exit on startup for a variety of critical failures.
- Add 'examples' and 'urls' to list of known documentation sections
- Improve mustache results - marsam in #341
- Fix help parsing of javascript iles - ferlores in #322
- Roles will correctly semicolon-delimit the list of roles if one (or more) roles contain a comma. - futuraprime in #327
- Updated translations of supported languages as of 20120801 - sopel in #328
- Escape brackets in html view of help - tombell, technicalpickles
- More coffee-like translate.coffee - elmoeleven in #336
- Fixed reference to when npm was included w/ node - technicalpickles in #347
- Backwards-compatible help parsing, and tracking all documentation instead of just commands - technicalpickles
- New route
to display command help - tombell - Role script fix - ferlores
- Store connect server - tombell
- Extracted remaining classes into their own files - tombell
Note this is a breaking change for adapters. Adapters are going to want to use the following code snippet for requiring classes from hubot.
{Adapter,Robot} = require 'hubot'
- Update the formatting of documentation comments at the top of scripts - technicalpickles
- Update the parsing of the documentation comments - tombell
- Fixed keep alive ping, requires
- tombell and jimeh - Updated dependency versions - tombell and jimeh
Hubot now keeps himself alive due to Heroku's web processes shutting down when idle - tombell
Hubot's image search is now defaulted to safe search - kylev
Hubot now emits a 'connected' event when he connects to the chosen adapter - sbryant
Fix the roles.coffee not to respond to empty names - christierney
Hubot now has a web interface and supports connect middleware, examples in httpd.coffee - atmos / tombell
module.exports = (robot) -> robot.router.get "/hubot/version", (req, res) -> res.end robot.version
Add a catchAll callback that handles responses that match nothing else - titanous / ejfinnerman
module.exports = (robot) -> robot.catchAll (msg) -> router.get "/hubot/version", (req, res) ->
- Update behaviour of finishing further execution of listeners
- Scripts are now loaded in the following order
- Scripts defined in
are loaded in order - Scripts are loaded alphabetically from
- Scripts defined in
- The hwhoops release, finish/done behavior is handled elsewhere
- Introduce Response.finish() to indicate that a message should not be passed on to any other listeners
- Scripts are evaluated in the following order
is loaded alphabetically -
The contents of
is loaded in ordermodule.exports = (robot) -> robot.respond /\syo\s\?/i, (msg) -> msg.reply "Yo!" msg.finish()
- Update topic and logger scoping fixups - Horace Ko
- Don't exit the process if listening to a room is denied
- Don't kill all username looks if some users don't have name attribute
- All adapters have been removed except for shell and campfire
- Better win32 compatability
- Campfire reconnects on streaming errors on a per-room basis
- Major adapter overhaul, they're now external - Tom Bell
- Shell adapter now functions like a REPL - Tom Bell
- Improved logging using log.js - Tom Bell
- Search help commands - Gabriel Horner
- Improvements to roles.coffee - Daniel Schauenberg
If you are not using the Campfire or Shell adapters please be aware before upgrading that adapters have been moved out of the code of hubot and you should install the hubot adapters from npm when people make them available. Until your adapter is available you may wish to remain on v1.1.11.
- support self-signed SSL certs for IRC - Ville Lautanala lautis@gmail.com
- twilio adapter fixups - Tom Bell
- XMPP adapter fixups - Patrik Votocek patrik@votocek.cz
- Everyone gets a pug - Jon Maddox jon@jonmaddox.com
- Accept contact list requests - Arlo Carreon arlo.carreon@gmail.com
- Google talk whitelisting support - pescuma pescuma@chaordicsystems.com
- Fix optparse problems on certain linuxes
- IRC adapter fixups for users - Andrew Nordman cadwallion@gmail.com
- Bump npm irc depedency - BrokenEnso ericday96@gmail.com
- accept invites on IRC - Dingding Ye yedingding@gmail.com
- Support talkerapp style @replies - Charles Barbier unixcharles@gmail.com
- Set hubot's google talk status properly - Matt McCormick mbmccormick@gmail.com
- Add a google talk adapter - Arlo Carreon arlo.carreon@gmail.com
- Fix a bug in robot.respond that allowed regexes to be constructed that could be triggered without prefixing with the robot's name - atmos
- Fixup rarely triggered response stuff that uses an undefined variable
- Fix username issues where campfire names weren't updated - atmos
- Allow help files to parse from raw js - Jason Ford jason@jason-ford.com
- Talkerapp bug fix ups - Charles Barbier unixcharles@gmail.com, Magnus Bergmark magnus.bergmark@gmail.com
- Preserve ordering in campfire message sending - Sean Cribbs sean@basho.com
- Flowdock adapter - Arttu Tervo arttu.tervo@nodeta.fi
- Add a talkerapp adapter - Victor Castell victorcoder@gmail.com
- Add a twitter adapter - Mathilde Lemee mathilde.lemee@yahoo.fr
- Emit a loaded event in mergeData - codec codec@fnord.cx
- Fix the optparse npm install anomaly
- Fix campfire adapter getting duplicate messages - atmos
- Explicity errors for misconfigured campfire setup - Damien Mathieu damien.mathieu@shazino.com
- Support '-v' as a CLI opt to display version - Damien Mathieu damien.mathieu@shazino.com
- Tons of fixups to the hipchat adapter - Codafoo cesar@webzense.net, Assaf Arkin assaf@labnotes.org
- Various IRC adapter fixups - Mark Paschal markpasc@markpasc.org, Jesse Szwedko
- Enter/Leave events for adapters - Brian Donovan me@brian-donovan.com
- XMPP adapter fixups - codec codec@fnord.cx,
- Break out persistence layer to make it easier to have multiple backends - technoweenie
- Various refactorings/cleanups - Tom Bell tomb@tombell.org.uk
- translation script enhancements - OiNutter willmckenzie@oinutter.co.uk
- XMPP user persistence fixups - Andy Fowler andy@andyfowler.com
If you're using the redis persistence you're going to need to enable 'redis-brain.coffee' in your hubot-scripts.json file. It was moved there and the brain now supports events allowing you to use any persistence backend you want.
- Remove infinite loop script to keep things alive - atmos
- HipChat adapter support - Assaf Arkin assaf@labnotes.org
- XMPP adapter support - Andy Fowler andy@andyfowler.com
- Twilio adapter fixups - Jesse Newland jesse@jnewland.com
- Fixup hubot-scripts.json template examples - Mike Skalnik mike.skalnik@gmail.com
- Fix IRC adapter replies - Scott Moak scott.moak@gmail.com
- Ensure people are running node 0.4.x - Corey Donohoe atmos@atmos.org
- Doc fixups - Aitor García Rey aitor@linkingpaths.com
- Twilio adapter support - Tom Bell tomb@tombell.org.uk