The following userscripts are included in the current directory.
- cast: Cast content on your Chromecast using castnow. Only youtube-dl downloadable content.
- dmenu_qutebrowser: Pipes history, quickmarks, and URL into dmenu.
- format_json: Pretty prints current page's JSON code in other tab.
- getbib: Scraping the current web page for DOIs and downloading corresponding bibtex information.
- open_download: Opens a rofi menu with all files from the download directory and opens the selected file.
- openfeeds: Opens all links to feeds defined in the head of a site.
- password_fill: Find a username/password entry and fill it with credentials given by the configured backend (currently only pass) for the current website.
- qute-keepass: Insertion of usernames and passwords from keepass databases using pykeepass.
- qute-keepassxc: Insert credentials from open KeepassXC database using keepassxc-browser protocol.
- qute-pass: Insert login information using pass and a dmenu-compatible application (e.g. dmenu, rofi -dmenu, ...).
- qute-lastpass: Similar to qute-pass, for Lastpass.
- qute-bitwarden: Similar to qute-pass, for Bitwarden.
- qutedmenu: Handle open -s && open -t with bemenu.
- readability: Executes python-readability on current page and opens the summary as new tab.
- readability-js: Processes the current page with the readability library used in Firefox Reader View and opens the summary as new tab.
- ripbang: Adds DuckDuckGo bang as searchengine.
- rss: Keeps track of URLs in RSS feeds and opens new ones.
- taskadd: Adds a task to taskwarrior.
- tor_identity: Change your tor identity.
- view_in_mpv: Views the current web page in mpv using sensible mpv-flags.
- qr: Show a QR code for the current webpage via qrencode.
- kodi: Play videos in Kodi.
- add-nextcloud-bookmarks: Create bookmarks in Nextcloud's Bookmarks app.
- add-nextcloud-cookbook: Add recipes to Nextcloud's Cookbook app.
The following userscripts can be found on their own repositories.
- qurlshare: secure sharing of a URL between qutebrowser instances using a distributed hash table.
- qutebrowser-userscripts: a small pack of userscripts.
- qutebrowser-zotero: connects qutebrowser to Zotero standalone.
- qute.match: execute script based on visited url.
- qutepocket: Add URL to your Pocket bookmark manager.
- qb-scripts: a small pack of userscripts.
- instapaper.zsh: Add URL to your Instapaper bookmark manager.
- small pack of userscripts.
- pinboard.zsh: Add URL to your Pinboard bookmark manager.
- qute-capture: Capture links with Emacs's org-mode to a read-later file.
- qute-code-hint: Copy code snippets on web pages to the clipboard via hints.
- Qute-Translate: Translate URLs or selections via Google Translate.
- qute-snippets: Bind text snippets to a keyword and retrieve they when you want.
- doi: Opens DOIs on Sci-Hub.
- 1password: Integration with 1password on macOS.