Standalone and test framework agnostic JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
via npm (node package manager)
$ npm install sinon
or install via git by cloning the repository and including sinon.js in your project, as you would any other third party library.
Don't forget to include the parts of Sinon.JS that you want to use as well (i.e. spy.js).
See the sinon project homepage
- No global pollution
- Easy to use
- Require minimal “integration”
- Easy to embed seamlessly with any testing framework
- Easily fake any interface
- Ship with ready-to-use fakes for XMLHttpRequest, timers and more
Pick an issue to fix, or pitch new features. To avoid wasting your time, please ask for feedback on feature suggestions either with an issue or on the mailing list.
The Sinon.JS developer environment requires Node/NPM. Please make sure you have Node installed, and install Sinon's dependencies:
$ npm install
$ npm test
Open test/sinon.html
in a browser. To test against a built distribution, first
make sure you have a build (requires Ruby and Juicer):
$ ./build
Then open test/sinon-dist.html
in a browser.
Some tests needs working XHR to pass. To run the tests over an HTTP server, run
$ node_modules/http-server/bin/http-server
Then open localhost:8080/test/sinon.html in a browser.
The Rhino tests are currently out of commission (pending update after switch to Buster.JS for tests).