OverlayContainer is a UI library written in Swift. It makes it easier to develop overlay based interfaces, such as the one presented in the Apple Maps, Stocks or Shortcuts apps.
- Unlimited notches
- Adapts to any custom layouts
- Fluid transitions between scroll & translation : it perfectly mimics the overlay presented in the Shotcuts app
- Includes a rubber band effect
- Animations and target notch policy fully customizable
OverlayContainer is written in Swift 4.2. Compatible with iOS 10.0+.
OverlayContainer is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'OverlayContainer'
The main component of the library is the OverlayContainerViewController
. It defines an area where a view controller can be dragged up and down, hidding or revealing the content underneath it.
Thus, your first step is to create a custom view controller container which combines the OverlayContainerViewController
and the content you wish to overlay.
It could be as simple as a view controller stacking all its children :
class StackViewController: UIViewController {
var viewControllers: [UIViewController] = [] {
didSet {
guard isViewLoaded else { return }
override func viewDidLoad() {
private func loadChildren() {
viewControllers.forEach { addChild($0, in: view) }
A startup sequence might look like this :
let mapsController = MapsViewController()
let searchController = SearchViewController()
let containerController = OverlayContainerViewController()
containerController.delegate = self
containerController.viewControllers = [searchController]
let stackController = StackViewController()
stackController.viewControllers = [
window?.rootViewController = stackController
The last step is to define the overlay's notches. By default, the overlay container view controller does not display anything.
Implement OverlayContainerViewControllerDelegate
to specify the number of notches wished :
enum OverlayNotch: Int, CaseIterable {
case minimum, medium, maximum
func numberOfNotches(in containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController) -> Int {
return OverlayNotch.allCases.count
func overlayContainerViewController(_ containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController,
heightForNotchAt index: Int,
availableSpace: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
switch OverlayNotch.allCases[index] {
case .maximum:
return availableSpace * 3 / 4
case .medium:
return availableSpace / 2
case .minimum:
return availableSpace * 1 / 4
The overlay style defines how the overlay view controllers will be constrained in the OverlayContainerViewController
enum OverlayStyle {
case flexibleHeight // default
case rigid
let overlayContainer = OverlayContainerViewController(style: .rigid)
- flexibleHeight
The overlay view controller will not be height-constrained. It will grow and shrink as the user drags it up and down.
It is specifically designed for overlays containing scroll views. Be careful to always provide a minimum height higher than the intrinsic content of your overlay.
- rigid
The overlay view controller will be constrained with a height equal to the highest notch. The overlay won't be fully visible until the user drags it up to this notch.
The container view controller can coordinate the scrolling of a scroll view with the overlay translation.
Use the associated delegate method :
func overlayContainerViewController(_ containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController,
scrollViewDrivingOverlay overlayViewController: UIViewController) -> UIScrollView? {
return (overlayViewController as? DetailViewController)?.tableView
Or directly set the container property :
let containerController = OverlayContainerViewController()
containerController.drivingScrollView = myScrollView
The container view controller detects pan gestures on its own view. Use the dedicated delegate method to check that the specified starting pan gesture location corresponds to a grabbable view in your custom overlay.
func overlayContainerViewController(_ containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController,
shouldStartDraggingOverlay overlayViewController: UIViewController,
at point: CGPoint,
in coordinateSpace: UICoordinateSpace) -> Bool {
guard let header = (overlayViewController as? DetailViewController)?.header else {
return false
let convertedPoint = coordinateSpace.convert(point, to: header)
return header.bounds.contains(convertedPoint)
- Maps Like: A custom layout which adapts its hierachy on rotations.
- Shortcuts: A custom layout which adapts its hierachy on trait collection changes : Moving from a
on regular environment to a simpleStackViewController
on compact environment. Visualize it on iPad Pro.
Coordinate the overlay movements to the aspect of a view using the dedicated delegate methods. See the backdrop view example.
func overlayContainerViewController(_ containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController,
didDragOverlay overlayViewController: UIViewController,
toHeight height: CGFloat,
availableSpace: CGFloat) {
backdropView.alpha = // compute alpha based on height
func overlayContainerViewController(_ containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController,
didEndDraggingOverlay overlayViewController: UIViewController,
transitionCoordinator: OverlayContainerTransitionCoordinator) {
backdropView.alpha = // compute alpha based on the transitionCoordinator
transitionCoordinator.animate(alongsideTransition: { context in
self.backdropView.alpha = // compute the final alpha value on the transitionCoordinator
}, completion: nil)
Be careful when using safe areas. As described in the WWDC "UIKit: Apps for Every Size and Shape" video, the safe area insets will not be updated if your views exceeds the screen bounds. This is specially the case when using the OverlayStyle.flexibleHeight
The simpliest way to handle the safe area correctly is to compute your notch heights using the safeAreaInsets
provided by the container and avoid the safeAreaLayoutGuide
bottom anchor in your overlay :
func overlayContainerViewController(_ containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController,
heightForNotchAt index: Int,
availableSpace: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
let bottomInset = containerViewController.view.safeAreaInsets.bottom
switch OverlayNotch.allCases[index] {
// ...
case .minimum:
return bottomInset + 100
Adopt OverlayTranslationFunction
to modify the relation between the user's finger translation and the actual overlay translation.
By default, the overlay container uses a RubberBandOverlayTranslationFunction
that provides a rubber band effect.
func overlayContainerViewController(_ containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController,
overlayTranslationFunctionForOverlay overlayViewController: UIViewController) -> OverlayTranslationFunction? {
let function = RubberBandOverlayTranslationFunction()
function.factor = 0.7
function.bouncesAtMinimumHeight = false
return function
Adopt OverlayTranslationTargetNotchPolicy
& OverlayAnimatedTransitioning
protocols to define where the overlay should go once the user's touch is released and how to animate the translation.
By default, the overlay container uses a SpringOverlayTranslationAnimationController
that mimics the behavior of a spring.
The associated target notch policy RushingForwardTargetNotchPolicy
will always try to go forward is the user's finger reachs a certain velocity. It might also decide to skip some notches if the user goes too fast.
func overlayTargetNotchPolicy(for overlayViewController: UIViewController) -> OverlayTranslationTargetNotchPolicy? {
let policy = RushingForwardTargetNotchPolicy()
policy.minimumVelocity = 0
return policy
func animationController(for overlayViewController: UIViewController) -> OverlayAnimatedTransitioning? {
let controller = SpringOverlayTranslationAnimationController()
controller.damping = 0.2
return controller
gaetanzanella, gaetan.zanella@fabernovel.com
OverlayContainer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.