These are the accompanying materials for the NiFi workshop - Developing a Custom Processor.
![flow overview] (
~ ♨ > VBoxManage list vms
"boot2docker-vm" {2e7c902c-34fa-45e9-863b-313beb2b4b33}
"centos64_c6401_1440615279050_15827" {b3f9d4a5-a9cf-4495-90ff-139240a11be7}
"NiFi" {10a766b0-358c-4f33-8d66-f2fc3bd8d770}
"docker-vm" {06e9e8ec-929a-4968-96f0-4f54e20b4cec}
"default" {0fedc097-a65a-47d0-90ab-399824ef069f}
"Hortonworks Sandbox with HDP 2.3" {ab54bfd3-a33b-4844-88c3-924f7df9498a}
~ ♨ > VBoxManage controlvm ab54bfd3-a33b-4844-88c3-924f7df9498a natpf1 nifi,tcp,,9090,,9090
mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.nifi \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=nifi-processor-bundle-archetype \
-DarchetypeVersion=0.3.0 \
-DnifiVersion=0.3.0 \
-DartifactBaseName=workshop-demo \
Change the top-level pom declaration to update the parent version to 0.3.0
mvn clean install
The NAR package will be placed in the nifi-workshop-demo-nar/target
Ambari -> Local Files
- Upload to the
If you can't go down into the lib
directory: right click on lib -> Permissions -> RWX for 'others'
- Delete the old NAR file
- Upload a new version
- Restart the NiFI via
Ambari -> NiFi -> Restart All
But it's painful if you have to repeat it many times. Best practice - extensive NiFi unit testing of components and processors in a local IDE. See the testcase in the project.
Example of a processor implementation
Example of a processor testcase
Default NiFi bundles
Final result
- The template is in the
- In NiFi UI go to
admin section (on the righthand side) and upload the XML - In NiFi UI main toolbar click
- In a resulting popup your new template should be listed. Select and Ok.
- Send jokes to a Kafka topic. Different Kafka topics? (Flow design)
- Improve user experience by restricting allowable values for properties (e.g. true/false, pre-defined buffer sizes) (Coding)
- Accumulate jokes to be written in one file, e.g. as a batch of 20 or every 30 seconds (MergeContent Processor)
- Let's do some searching! Route JSON events from the REST API into Solr. Banana dashboard anyone?
- Give Chuck a voice! Find a Text-to-Speech (TTS) library or service and wrap it either in the REST invocation or custom processor.
Tip: you can download output sound files via a
Data Provenance
event viewer (sorry, servers don't play sounds ;)