typeset is a Flask app exposing my Pandoc setup over the network in order to typeset documents from the iPad. I write in Drafts and use Shortcuts to talk with typeset.
Runs in production in a Ubuntu 19.04 Digital Ocean droplet on a free domain with SSL. Follow Digital Ocean's guide in order to deploy the app with Gunicorn and Nginx, get a free domain with Freenom, and a free certificate from Let's Encrypt.
git clone git@github.com:apas/typeset.git
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
source env-var
python flask run
Note: python flask run
runs a development server over port 5000. Do not use in
production. Use Gunicorn and Nginx in order to deploy to production.
typeset requires pandoc
, pandoc-citeproc
, pandoc-crossref
, and TexLive
. All dependencies are available on
Linuxbrew but for pandoc-sidenote
which is available on
cabal. The first time pandoc will convert to PDF during testing TexLive
will complain about missing dependencies—just install them with tlmgr
with the domain and /md/
endpoint to Get Contents of URL
which makes a
POST request with request body Form
and key file
, value Shorcut Input
Magic Variable. URL
with the domain and /pdf/
endpoint to Get Contents of URL
which makes a GET to Quick Look