Releases: apache/pulsar-client-python
Releases · apache/pulsar-client-python
What's Changed
- Bumped version to 3.6.0a1 by @BewareMyPower in #210
- Set grpcio minimum version to 1.59.3 so that Alpine py3-grpcio can be used by @lhotari in #211
- Fix failed AsyncioTest.test_send_failure and clean up tests by @BewareMyPower in #231
- Build the C extension with optimize options enabled by @BewareMyPower in #230
- Fix typos by @kianmeng in #232
- Fix the broken CI due to the regression of 4.0.1 and some deprecated image and links by @BewareMyPower in #235
- Upgrade the C++ client to 3.7.0 by @BewareMyPower in #237
- Support seek a MessageId from pulsar module by @BewareMyPower in #233
- Support Python 3.13 and drop the support for Python 3.8 by @BewareMyPower in #238
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v3.6.0
What's Changed
- Fix incorrect command in release doc by @RobertIndie in #176
- Fix incorrect python spec name for release wheels workflow by @RobertIndie in #177
- Fix incorrect version upgrade command in by @RobertIndie in #179
- Fix negative acknowledge on a message ID does not work by @BewareMyPower in #180
- Fix windows release CI doesn't show the python version by @RobertIndie in #182
- Fix missing dependency of setuptools by @RobertIndie in #183
- Fix the incompatibility with Python 3.12 and drop the support for 3.7 by @BewareMyPower in #181
- Document the requirement for the send_async method by @BewareMyPower in #186
- Bumped version to 3.5.0a1 by @RobertIndie in #191
- Fix the release doc for PyPI login and release note sample PR by @RobertIndie in #192
- [asyncio] Support creating producer and sending messages by @BewareMyPower in #189
- [docs] Add guide to avoid logs from the default logger by @BewareMyPower in #195
- Disable topic level policies to make tests work for latest Pulsar by @BewareMyPower in #201
- Fix incorrect logs when a message failed to be decoded with the writer schema by @BewareMyPower in #200
- Enable CodeQL static scanner by @merlimat in #197
- Upgrade the C++ client to 3.5.0 for some bug fixes by @BewareMyPower in #202
- Fix incorrect type hints in Client by @BewareMyPower in #204
- Add documents for the batching arguments when creating producer by @BewareMyPower in #205
- Add Consumer.consumer_name() API by @BewareMyPower in #206
- Upgrade the C++ client to 3.5.1 by @BewareMyPower in #209
Full Changelog: v3.4.0...v3.5.0
What's Changed
- Added missing publish option
by @sbreatnach in #152 - Remove useless sleep on test_seek by @shibd in #154
- Support configure startMessageIdInclusive for the reader by @RobertIndie in #157
- Support schema field type promotion by @RobertIndie in #159
- Support Python 3.12 wheels by @merlimat in #160
- Improve the developer experience when running tests by @BewareMyPower in #163
- Upgrade the C++ client to 3.4.1 by @RobertIndie in #167
- Update Curl to 8.4.0 by @merlimat in #168
- Add type annotations for enum parameters in methods by @shibd in #169
- Upgrade grpcio to 1.60.0 to fix CVE-2023-1428 by @BewareMyPower in #174
- Upgrade the C++ client to 3.4.2 by @BewareMyPower in #170
New Contributors
- @sbreatnach made their first contribution in #152
Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.4.0
What's Changed
- Added support for KeySharedPolicy for the consumer when in KeyShared mode by @hyperevo #109
- Bumped version to 3.3.0a1 @BewareMyPower #130
- [docs] Fix the incorrect API docs generation steps in the release process by @BewareMyPower #131
- Fix link failure on macOS @BewareMyPower #133
- Add partitioned topic unit test for Reader @shibd #137
- feat: support batch index ack @shibd #139
- feat: support producer access mode @shibd #138
- Fix the OpenSSL 3.x symbols not found on macOS build @BewareMyPower #145
- Upgrade the C++ client to 3.3.0 @BewareMyPower #146
- feat: support pattern subscription non persistent topic @shibd #134
- Use f-string to show correct error message @BewareMyPower #147
- feat: Support dead letter topic @shibd #135
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.3.0
What's Changed
- Bumped version to 3.2.0a1 by @BewareMyPower in #105
- Upgrade fastavro to 1.7.3 by @BewareMyPower in #110
- Update to bookkeeper client 4.16.1 by @merlimat in #111
- [Doc] Add links to client docs and feature matrix in by @momo-jun in #117
- Bump the C++ client to 3.2.0 by @BewareMyPower in #118
- Add docs and tests for AuthenticationOauth2 by @BewareMyPower in #120
- Make acknowledge APIs synchronous and improve the documents by @BewareMyPower in #121
- Use readNextAsync for reader.read_next() by @merlimat in #125
- Release the GIL before any call to async methods by @merlimat in #123
- Fetch writer schema to decode Avro messages by @BewareMyPower in #119
- Include the C extension when generating API docs by @BewareMyPower in #126
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.2.0
What's Changed
- Wrap the interruption to a custom exception when a blocking API is interrupted by @BewareMyPower in #99
- Upgrade to pulsar-client-cpp 3.1.2 by @BewareMyPower in #96
- Issue #37 : Allow passing pulsar.MessageId instance to create_reader() by @erichare in #95
- #66: Add Human-readable description of MessageId object by @erichare in #93
- Issue #31 - Access name attribute of any type object by @erichare in #92
- Update the release process for versioning by @BewareMyPower in #91
- Fixed deadlock in producer.send_async by @merlimat in #87
- Upgrade to pulsar-client-cpp 3.1.1 by @merlimat in #86
- Add support for Python 3.11 by @merlimat in #83
- Add the release process for Python client by @BewareMyPower in #68
- Add a script to download and stage artifacts by @BewareMyPower in #65
- Bump version to 3.1.0a1 by @BewareMyPower in #63
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0
What's Changed
- Upgrade Pulsar C++ client to 3.1.0 by @BewareMyPower in #62
- fix: make sure that the fallback avro class has the signature as fastravro's by @jaysonsantos in #57
- Simplify dependency upgrade process and upgrade Pulsar C++ client to 3.1.0 by @BewareMyPower in #56
- Migrate from Boost.Python to PyBind11 by @BewareMyPower in #54
- Fixed building of Linux wheel files by @merlimat in #45
- [improve][ci] check python doc syntax by @tisonkun in #38
- [feat] Support consumer batch receive. by @shibd in #33
- Improve apidoc with pydoctor tool by @tisonkun in #28
- Fetch C++ client official release by @merlimat in #25
- Support building with MSVC by @BewareMyPower in #23
- [feat] Support start message id inclusive by @Demogorgon314 in #19
- Enable building Mac universal2 wheels for Python 3.7 by @merlimat in #18
- Fixed missed version of zlib by @merlimat in #17
- Enhance developer experience for debugging tests and add related README by @BewareMyPower in #16
- Support auth param string for Basic authentication by @BewareMyPower in #15
- Enable required check status for pr validation by @RobertIndie in #13
- Allow to configure log level from Python by @merlimat in #12
- Build wheel files in CI by @merlimat in #11
- Add CI job to build and run Python tests by @merlimat in #9
- Added license and notice files by @merlimat in #6
- Add .asf.yaml file by @BewareMyPower in #2
- PIP-209: Compile Python client wrapper by @merlimat in #1
Full Changelog:
New Contributors
- @jaysonsantos made his first contribution in #57
- @tisonkun made his first contribution in #28