whistle aims to be a very minimalistic and basic audio player. Currently it can play mp3, flac and ogg files.
Basically, whistle is a nifty front-end to mplayer, which it's based on. Without mplayer, there would be no whistle. The earlier mpg123 back-end work is now completely done by mplayer.
Perl Modules:
- MP3::Info (archlinux-package: perl-mp3-info)
- Curses::UI (archlinux-package: perl-curses-ui)
- File::MimeInfo (archlinux-package: perl-file-mimeinfo)
- Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl (aur-package: perl-ogg-vorbis-header-pureperl)
- Audio::FLAC::Header (aur-package: perl-audio-flac-header)
- LWP::UserAgent
- mplayer (mpg123 earlier)
packer -S mplayer perl-ogg-vorbis-header-pureperl \
perl-audio-flac-header perl-mp3-info perl-curses-ui \
perl-file-mimeinfo whistle-git
(you maybe need to replace 'packer' with your custom AUR-helper (yaourt, clyde, ...)
1. apt-get install git mplayer libncurses-ui-perl \
libmp3-info-perl libogg-vorbis-header-pureperl-perl \
ibaudio-flac-header-perl libfile-mimeinfo-perl
2. clone the git repository: (git clone https://github.com/ap0calypse/whistle.git)
3. run whistle and enjoy :)
Whistle can be installed following these steps (all listed packages are either needed by whistle or are dependencies of each other) :
1. install sbopkg (http://www.sbopkg.org/downloads.php,->
# installpkg sbopkg-version-noarch-1_cng.tgz)
2. run sbopkg and sync with slackbuilds.org (Sync with remote repository)
3. install the following packages:
- perl-Audio-FLAC-Header
- perl-Curses
- perl-Curses-UI
- perl-File-Which
- perl-IPC-Run3
- perl-IPC-System-Simple
- perl-MP3-Info
- perl-Module-Build
- perl-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl
- perl-Probe-Perl
- perl-TermReadKey
- perl-Test-Script
- perl-ExtUtils-depends
- perl-ExtUtils-makemaker
- perl-ExtUtils-pkgconfig
- perl-file-basedir
- perl-file-desktopentry
- perl-file-mimeinfo
- whistle
4. run whistle and enjoy :)
- full MP3/OGG/FLAC play/stop/next/prev/seek/shuffle support
- progressbar
- playlists
- multi-select for playlist-editing
- better and finer granulated equalizer (10 band)
- per-song/album-equalizer (meaning: individual equalizer settings
for each title/album/artist)
- lyrics fetching support
- queue support (+/-)
- a lot of bugfixes for sure
- shuffle by artist/album
- equalizer presets
- color support
- mp3 tag write support
- burn playlist 2 iso or cd
- ...
- your feature request?
whistle must be started within a fully functional terminal.
The first step is to add a music directory with 'A'. The standard usage scenario then is to select what you want to play and press 'P'.
- my girlfriend for beta-testing and giving me hints for improvements :)
- all the people testing and helping me to improve whistle :) (kmandla, matthew cox, smiszym, ...)
- all the supportive people of the arch-community :)
- all developers behind mpg123, mplayer and mpv
- all developers from Curses and Curses::UI
- all developers from MP3::Info
- all developers from Ogg::Vorbis::Header
- all developers from Audio::FLAC::Header
- mniip for debian install infos
If you want to give me some crypto-credit, please use one of these adresses:
- LTC - LcWms1wddhRKWyE7JDSxZcY6gZTGTAttXG
- BTC - bc1qkggktuhhdms2ue6c04archpvc6h4pqfeu25y3h
- DOGE - DRpqNpcfAidAFmkLzaLoB6gVrRgKzNtiRC