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jcreamer898 edited this page Oct 19, 2012 · 9 revisions


The core module, fileSystem.js is a wrapper around many of the common node.js file manipulation commands. The API is documented below.

anvil.js.buildFileData( baseline, workingBase, file )


  • baseline:
  • workingBase:
  • file:

anvil.js.buildPath( pathSpec )

Build a local path for a folder or file in a project.


  • pathSpec [string] required : Specify a path around which to build a full fileSystem path.


var pathath = anvil.fs.buildPath( "src/lib" );

anvil.js.cleanDirectory( pathSpec, [onDeleted] )

Clean up a directory, and provide an optional onDeleted callback to run on deletion.


  • pathSpec [string] required : Path to directory being cleaned.
  • onDeleted [function]: Optional callback to executed on successful deletion.

anvil.js.copy( from, to, onComplete )

Copy a folder or file from the from to the to, and fire onComplete when done.


  • from [string] required : Path to directory or file being copied from.
  • to [string] required: Path to directory or file being copied to.
  • onComplete [function] required: Callback when copying is complete.

anvil.js.copyDirectory( from, to, onComplete )

Copy a folder from the from to the to, and fire onComplete when done. Actually calls anvil.fs.copyFile for each file in the directory.


  • from [string] required : Path to directory being copied from.
  • to [string] required: Path to directory being copied to.
  • onComplete [function] required: Callback when copying is complete.

anvil.js.copyFile( from, to, onComplete )

Copy a file from the from to the to, and fire onComplete when done.


  • from [string] required : Path to file being copied from.
  • to [string] required: Path to file being copied to.
  • onComplete [function] required: Callback when copying is complete. Passed the to argument originally passed in.

anvil.js.delete( pathSpec, onDelete )

Delete file or directory defined by pathSpec and fire the onDelete callback when complete. Calls anvil.fs.deleteDirectory or anvil.fs.deleteFile depending on usage.


  • pathSpec [string] required : Path to file or directory being deleted.
  • onDelete [function] required: Callback when deleting is complete.

anvil.js.deleteFile( pathSpec, onDelete )

Delete file defined by pathSpec and fire the onDelete callback when complete.


  • pathSpec [string] required : Path to file being deleted.
  • onDelete [function] required: Callback when deleting is complete. Passed an error argument.

anvil.js.deleteDirectory( pathSpec, onDelete )

Delete directory defined by pathSpec and fire the onDelete callback when complete.


  • pathSpec [string] required : Path to directory being deleted.
  • onDelete [function] required: Callback when deleting is complete.

anvil.js.deleteLink( pathSpec, [onDelete] )

Unlink a path specified by pathSpec fires an optional onDelete callback.


  • pathSpec [string] required : Path to directory being deleted.
  • onDelete [function]: Callback when deleting is complete. Passed an error argument.

anvil.js.ensurePath( pathSpec, [onComplete] )

Checks for the existance of the pathSpec, if not there, it will create the directory.


  • pathSpec [string] required : Path to directory being inspected.
  • onDelete [function]: Callback when path has been created or inspected. Passed an error argument.

anvil.js.getFiles( pathSpec, workingPath, onFiles, [filters], [limit] )

Recursively searches pathSpec and builds a list a files, and directories which can be filtered by the filters argument and the limited recursion by the limit. The results are passed to onFiles.


  • pathSpec [string] required : Path to directory being inspected.
  • workingPath [string] required : Path to directory being inspected.
  • onFiles [function] required: Callback when directory has been recursively searched. Passed files and directories as arguments.
  • filters [array]: A list of the file extensions to filter out of the results.
  • limit [number] : Limit the amount of recursion.


anvil.fs.getFiles( "src", "src", function( files, directories ) {
    console.log( files, directories );
}); from, to, [done] )

Create a symlink of from to to, and call the done callback


  • from [string] required : From destination of the symlink.
  • to [string] required : To destination of the symlink.
  • done [function]: Callback when symlink has been created.

anvil.js.metadata( pathSpec, onStat )

Get metadata on a file from pathSpec.


  • pathSpec [string] required : File to retrieve metadata of.
  • onStat [function] required: Callback when stats have been retrieved. Passed back an object with the stats.

anvil.js.pathExists( pathSpec, [callback] )

Check if a the path given by pathSepc exists. Will check sync with no callback, and async with it.


  • pathSpec [string] required : Folder to check if exists.
  • callback [function]: Optional callback after checking the path.


var fileExists = anvil.fs.pathExists( "spec" ); pathSpec, onContent )

Read the contents of a file from pathSpec, and fire onContent with the contents of the file.


  • pathSpec [string] required : File to read.
  • onContent [function] required: Callback once the file is read. If successful, the content will be passed to the callback, if not successful, an empty string, and an error will be passed.


var contents = "src/index.js", function( content, err ) {
    if ( err ) {
        anvil.log.error( "An error has occurred": + err );
    // do something with content

## anvil.js.readSync( pathSpec )
Read the contents of a file from `pathSpec` synchronously, and directly returns it.
### arguments
* **pathSpec** [string] *required* : File to read.

### example
var contents = "src/index.js" );
// Do something with contents

## anvil.js.transform( from, transform, to, [onComplete] )
Read the contents of a file from `from`, and pass the contents to a function `transform`. The transform function will operate on the contents and write the result to `to`, and fire the `onComplete` callback.  
### arguments
* **from** [string] *required* : File to read.
* **transform** [function] *required*: An operation to run that will be passed the `content` of the `to` file, and an callback function to execute that has `modified`, and `error` arguments.
* **to** [string] *required* : Once the file has been run through the transform function, it will be written here.
* **onComplete** [function]: A callback function to be fired after the file has been transformed and written. Passed an `error`.

### example
anvil.fs.transform( "./src/index.js", function( contents, done ) {
    contents = contents.toLowerCase();
    done( contents );
}, "./src/");
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