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Health-check is built with the purpose of tesing your API which you can't figuratively all the time. It supports multi region testing. It is lock-free and practically free to deploy unless testing for more than ~100 API and over a million API calls a month.
It supports single step and multi-step api testing for your CRUD requirements. To support logic based api testing.
you need have aws account access key and access secret. You can generate here.
you need to a config.properties
aws.access.key.id= aws.secret.access.key= influx.db.url= influx.db.name= dynamo.db.table= server.port=
you need to have a influx db setup to push all the metrics. You can refer here. It is free to use and will sufice most of your needs for testing. moving on you can setup it up with aws ec2.
this is the overview of the service architecture. Multi region testing is completely configurable and can be modified. It uses CloudWatch cron to trigger health-checks.