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Chef Software delivers value to our customers by taking an “Enterprise as Code” approach to simplify, standardize and secure day to day operations across both on-premise and multi-cloud environments.
Here’s an overview of the Chef development workflow:
The following describes the basic local development workflow for creating / modifying both Chef cookbooks and / or InSpec profiles.
Step 1: The Developer clones the Chef Cookbook or InSpec Profile from the source code management (SCM) repository.
Step 2: The Developer then isolates the code changes by creating a branch.
Step 3: The Developer now modifies the code and then tests and verifies the code changes by using Test Kitchen.
Step 4: The Developer then commits the code changes to the local branch.
Step 5: The Developer then pushes the branch to the source code management (SCM) repository.
Step 6: The Developer then initiates a pull request (PR) in the source code management (SCM) repository.
Step 7: The CI/CD pipeline (i.e. Jenkins, Harness, Bamboo or Azure DevOps etc ) picks up the pull request which triggers automated testing and approvals.
For the PoC you will require the following:
- 1 x Server for Chef Automate / Chef Server
- 1 x Server or Laptop for Chef Workstation. (Windows or Linux)
- 1 x Server for each node you intend to manage with Chef and scan with InSpec.
Note: All the server system requirements are listed below.
For the PoC the Chef servers will require:
- Internet access. (although Chef can be used in an airgapped environment.)
- Port 443 open
- Port 80
The nodes will also require:
- Port 22 SSH and / or 5985 WinRM if you intend to bootstrap via Knife
- Port 3389 for Windows Remote Desktop
For a PoC we can install Chef Automate and Chef Server using an all in one
deployment pattern.
For further details please refer to the Chef Docs page - https://docs.chef.io/automate/system_requirements/
Chef Automate requires a minimum of:
- 16 GB of RAM
- 80 GB of disk space (available to /hab)
- 4 vCPUs
Chef Automate requires:
- a Linux kernel of version 3.2 or greater
- systemd as the init system
- useradd
- curl or wget
- The shell that starts Automate should have a max open files setting of at least 65535
- Commercial support for Chef Automate is available for platforms that satisfy these criteria.
Chef Automate supports the current browser versions for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. Chef Automate does not support other browsers and may not be compatible with older browser versions.
For further details please refer to the Chef Docs page - https://docs.chef.io/automate/install/
Download and unzip the Chef Automate command-line tool:
curl https://packages.chef.io/files/current/latest/chef-automate-cli/chef-automate_linux_amd64.zip | gunzip - > chef-automate && chmod +x chef-automate
Create a config.toml
file with default values for your Chef Automate installation:
sudo ./chef-automate init-config
You can customize your FQDN, login name, and other values, by changing the values in the config.toml in your editor.
The following command will deploy Chef Automate and Chef Server
sudo ./chef-automate deploy config.toml --product automate --product chef-server --accept-terms-and-mlsa
if you require Habitat On Premise Builder, then use this command
sudo ./chef-automate deploy config.toml --product automate --product chef-server --product builder --accept-terms-and-mlsa
Deployment takes a few minutes. The first step is accepting the terms of service in the command line, after which the installer performs a series of pre-flight checks; any unsuccessful checks have information for resolving issues or skipping the check. Run the deploy command again, after resolving any pre-flight issues.
At the end of the deployment process you will see:
Deploy complete
The deployment process writes login credentials to the automate-credentials.toml
in your current working directory.
First create a user
on the Chef Server. The .pem
file will be used on your developer Chef Workstation machine.
sudo chef-server-ctl user-create Your_User_Name chef user Your_User_Name@email.com 'Your_Password' --filename $HOME/Your_User_Name.pem
Next, create an organisation for the Chef Infra Server. The .pem
file will be used as the 1 time validation key to bootstrap your Windows and Linux nodes.
sudo chef-server-ctl org-create Your_Org_Name 'automate' --association_user Your_User_Name --filename $HOME/Your_Org_Name-validator.pem
You will need to copy both .pem
files from the Chef Automate server as they will be needed on the developer Chef Workstation.
Chef Workstation gives you everything you need to get started with Chef - ad hoc remote execution, remote scanning, configuration tasks, cookbook creation tools as well as robust dependency and testing software - all in one easy-to-install package.
Chef Workstation includes:
- Chef Infra Client
- Chef InSpec
- chef and knife command line tools
- Testing tools such as Test Kitchen, ChefSpec, and Cookstyle
- Everything else needed to author cookbooks and upload them to the Chef Infra Server
Minimum system requirements:
- RAM: 2GB
- Disk: 4GB
- Running minimum settings may limit your ability to take advantage of Chef Workstation tools such as Test Kitchen which creates and manages virtualized test environments.
Recommended system requirements:
- RAM: 4GB
- Disk 8GB
The Chef Workstation installer must run as a privileged user.
Chef Workstation installs to /opt/chef-workstation/ on macOS / Linux and C:\opscode\chef-workstation\ on Windows. These file locations should help avoid interference between these components and other applications that may be running on the target machine. Dependency: Xcode is recommended for running Chef Workstation on macOS. While Chef Workstation works without Xcode, it is required for native Ruby Gem installation. Run xcode-select --install from the terminal to install Xcode. Visit the Chef Workstation downloads page and select the appropriate package for your macOS version. Click on the Download button. https://downloads.chef.io/products/workstation#mac_os_x
Alternately, install Chef Workstation using Homebrew:
brew cask install chef-workstation Visit the Chef Workstation downloads page and select the appropriate package for your Windows version. Click on the Download button. https://downloads.chef.io/products/workstation#windows Follow the steps to accept the license and install Chef Workstation. You will have the option to change your install location; by default the installer uses the C:\opscode\chef-workstation\
directory. Optional: Set the default shell. On Microsoft Windows it is strongly recommended to use Windows PowerShell instead of cmd.exe.
Here are the steps to set up a Windows Chef Workstation for development.
PowerShell.exe -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))"
PowerShell.exe -Command "iex (irm 'https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.ps1'); Install-Project -project chef-workstation -channel stable"
choco install googlechrome -y --no-progress --ignore-checksums
choco install vscode -y --no-progress
choco install cmder -y --no-progress
choco install git -y --no-progress
choco install openssh -y --pre --no-progress
Create a file called .gitconfig
in the directory C:\Users\chef\
with the following:
email = student@chef.com
name = chef
Note: Feel free to use your own values.
a) Create a directoy for Chef. Run the PowerShell command:
chef generate repo c:\chef-repo --chef-license accept
b) The .pem
files you created when you configured the Chef Server need to be copied in the directory:
There will be 2 .pem files:
- chef_user.pem
- chef_organization.pem
In the C:\chef-repo\.chef
directory, create a file called config.rb
. To do this you can run the command code config.rb
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name "chef_user"
client_key "#{current_dir}/chef_user.pem"
chef_server_url "https://automate_hostname/organizations/chef_organization"
cookbook_path ["#{current_dir}/../cookbooks"]
PS C:\chef-repo> knife user list
Note: The user you see will be the one you created on the Chef Server above.
Log into Chef automate and select all the profiles you require. These profiles need to match the ones specified in the Audit Cookbook otherwise you will receive an error saying the profile cannot be found.
The Audit Cookbook example I provide uses the following:
default['audit']['fetcher'] = 'chef-server'
default['audit']['reporter'] = 'chef-server-automate'
default['audit']['profiles'] =
case node['platform']
when 'centos'
default['audit']['waiver_file'] = '/home/centos/waiver.yml'
default['audit']['profiles'] = [
name: 'DevSec Linux Security Baseline',
compliance: 'workstation-1/linux-baseline',
name: 'CIS CentOS Linux 7 Benchmark Level 1',
compliance: 'workstation-1/cis-centos7-level1',
when 'ubuntu'
default['audit']['profiles'] = [
name: 'DevSec Linux Security Baseline',
compliance: 'workstation-1/linux-baseline',
name: 'CIS Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS Benchmark Level 1 - Server',
compliance: 'workstation-1/cis-ubuntu16.04lts-level1-server',
when 'windows'
case node['platform_version']
when /^10/ # 2016
default['audit']['waiver_file'] = 'c:\\waiver.yml'
default['audit']['profiles'] = [
name: 'DevSec Windows Security Baseline',
compliance: 'workstation-1/windows-baseline',
name: 'CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 RTM (Release 1607) Benchmark Level 1 - Member Server',
compliance: 'workstation-1/cis-windows2016rtm-release1607-level1-memberserver',
when /^6.3/ # 2012R2
default['audit']['waiver_file'] = 'c:\\waiver.yml'
default['audit']['profiles'] = [
name: 'DevSec Windows Security Baseline',
compliance: 'workstation-1/windows-baseline',
name: 'CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Benchmark Level 1 - Member Server',
compliance: 'workstation-1/cis-windows2012r2-level1-memberserver',
when 'redhat'
default['audit']['profiles'] = [
name: 'DevSec Linux Security Baseline',
compliance: 'workstation-1/linux-baseline',
name: 'CIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Benchmark Level 1 - Server',
compliance: 'workstation-1/cis-rhel7-level1-server',
Therefore you will need the following profiles:
- linux-baseline
- cis-centos7-level1
- cis-ubuntu16.04lts-level1-server
- windows-baseline
- cis-windows2016rtm-release1607-level1-memberserver
- cis-windows2012r2-level1-memberserver
- cis-rhel7-level1-server
You will also note that the audit_agr
cookbook expects the profiles to be under user workstation-1
. If you use another user then you will need to modify the audit_agr
cookbook to match your user.
Next, log into Chef Automate and go to the Compliance
tab at the top. Then click on the profiles
tab on the left and then the 399 Available
Once you have selected the profiles by clicking the Get
button on the right hand side, they will appear in the Profiles
tab and you will see the Identifier
next to the profile. This Identifier needs to match what is in the audit_agr
Before you bootstrap your nodes, you need a base policy to apply and the cookbooks.
On the Chef Workstation developer machine, open PowerShell and go to the cookbooks directory.
cd C:\chef-repo\cookbooks
Now clone all the required Cookbooks.
git clone https://github.com/anthonygrees/audit_agr --quiet
git clone https://github.com/anthonygrees/chef-client --quiet
git clone https://github.com/anthonygrees/cis-win2012r2-l1-hardening-cookbook --quiet
Upload the Audit Cookbook. This cookbook is used to automatically run the correct InSpec profiles.
cd audit_agr
berks install -q
berks upload -q
Upload the Chef Client Cookbook.
cd chef-client
berks install -q
berks upload -q
Upload the Windows 2012 Hardening Cookbook.
cd cis-win2012r2-l1-hardening-cookbook
berks install -q
berks upload -q
On the Chef Workstation developer machine, open PowerShell and go to the cookbooks directory.
cd C:\chef-repo\policyfiles
Create a new policy called base.rb
using VS Code.
code base.rb
Add the following code to your base.rb
and save it. Don't forget to update YOUR_AUTOMATE_HOSTNAME
# base.rb - Describe how you want Chef to build your system.
# For more information on the Policyfile feature, visit
# https://github.com/opscode/chef-dk/blob/master/POLICYFILE_README.md
# A name that describes what the system you're building with Chef does.
name 'base'
# Where to find external cookbooks:
default_source :chef_server, "https://YOUR_AUTOMATE_HOSTNAME/organizations/YOUR_CHEF_ORG"
# Specify a custom source for a cookbook:
cookbook 'chef-client', '~> 12.2.0' ## Stage 1 - Base
cookbook 'audit_agr', '~> 2.2.4' ## Stage 2 - Detect
# run_list: chef-client will run these recipes in the order specified.
run_list 'chef-client', 'audit_agr' ## Stage 2
Upload the policy to the Chef Server and apply it to the development
policy group.
chef install base.rb
chef push development base.rb
Install the Chef Client on the Windows VM. Here is the link - https://downloads.chef.io/products/infra-client?os=windows
Copy the Org Validator .pem
file that was created when you configured the Chef Server. Copy the pem file to:
Create a client.rb
file in the c:\chef\
directory with the following:
chef_server_url 'https://YOUR_CHEF_AUTOMATE/organizations/YOUR_ORG'
validation_key 'C:/chef/YOUR_ORG_validator.pem'
node_name 'Win2016-Ant-24223'
policy_group 'development'
policy_name 'base'
ssl_verify_mode :verify_none
chef_license 'accept'
Now run the following command from a Windows PowerShell terminal running as Administrator
Install the Chef Client on the Linux VM. Here are the download links:
- Amazon Linux : https://downloads.chef.io/products/infra-client?os=amazon
- Debian : https://downloads.chef.io/products/infra-client?os=debian
- Ubuntu : https://downloads.chef.io/products/infra-client?os=ubuntu
- RHEL / CentOS : https://downloads.chef.io/products/infra-client?os=el
Copy the Org Validator .pem
file that was created when you configured the Chef Server. Copy the pem file to:
Create some directories that are needed:
/bin/mkdir -p /etc/chef
/bin/mkdir -p /var/lib/chef
/bin/mkdir -p /var/log/chef
Create a client.rb
file in the /etc/chef/
directory with the following:
log_location STDOUT
chef_server_url 'https://YOUR_CHEF_AUTOMATE/organizations/YOUR_ORG'
validation_key '/etc/chef/YOUR_ORG_validator.pem'
node_name 'CentOS-Reesy-nNGX'
ssl_verify_mode :verify_none
policy_group 'development'
policy_name 'base'
chef_license 'accept'
Now run the following command:
sudo chef-client
You should now see your node in Chef Automate under the Infrastructure
This command runs on the Chef Workstation
knife bootstrap $node_dns \
--node-name $node_name \
--connection-user $user \
--ssh-identity-file $creds_file \
--policy-name $policy_name \
--policy-group $policy_group \
--connection-port $node_port \
--ssh-verify-host-key=never \
--chef-license=accept \
--sudo \
Instructions coming soon.