A Sass (SCSS) starter project for large scale websites and applications using the ITCSS model.
Inspired by the creator of ITCSS, Harry Robert, and the blog SCALABLE, MODULAR CSS by James Basoo
ITCSS philosophy is based on the 'Inverted triangle of specificity'.
- Settings: Global variables config switches (colours, screen sizes)
- Tools: Functions and mixins
- Generic: Ground-zero styles (normalize/reset.css, box-sizing)
- Base: Unclassed HTML elements (type selectors)
- Objects: Unstyled design patterns (media object)
- Components: Styled objects, chunks of UI
- Theme (optional): Themed components, used for multiple sites with the same layout and components. Can be utilised for multi-site Magento setups.
- Trumps: Helpers and overrides, e.g.
.float-left { float:left !important;}
It follows the BEM naming convetion.
.block {}
.block__element {}
.block--modifier {}
Happy SCSS'in!