Main dependencies
- Python (3.6.7)
- Pytorch 1.0 (torch 1.0.1.post2, torchvision 0.2.2)
- numpy (1.16.2)
- scikit.learn (0.20.3)
- tqdm (4.31.1)
- torchsummary
Results in main text
We will discuss how to reproduce the main results in order of appearance in the main text.
The first steps are
- clone the repository
$ git clone
change directory to IntrinsicDimDeep (this relative directory we will be referred as ROOT in what follows)
download and unzip in ROOT the data provided at this link
Now you are ready to reproduce the results:
Figure 2: VGG-16-R on a custom dataset
You can plot the results of a typical run just by opening the notebook plots.ipynb in scripts/custom.
If you want to do the training and analyse your results you can do as follows:
change directory into data/custom
generate the train/test split:
$ python
change directory to scripts/custom
launch finetuning:
$ python finetune
This will finetune a VGG-16 pre-trained on ImageNet. At the end it will also extract representations and save them in data/custom/results by default
run the bash script
$ ./
This will analyse the extracted representations and generate the data (saving it by default) required for Figure 2 (there can be small fluctuations due to the number of epochs of training that you use and/or the random splitting between train and test).
You can visualize your results opening the notebook plots.ipynb in scripts/custom, decommenting the line that specify to use your results.
This pattern of usage will be maintained for all the experiments below.
Figure 3 (generality of the "hunchback" shape)
To show the results of a typical run
- change directory to scripts/pretrained
- open and run the notebook hunchback.ipynb
To re-create the data from scratch:
$ ./
Figure 4 (ID and generalization)
To show the results of a typical run
- change directory to scripts/pretrained
- open and run the last_hidden.ipynb
To re-create the data from scratch:
$ ./
Figure 5 (Curvature)
To show the results of a typical run
- change directory to scripts/pretrained
- open and run the last_hidden_pca.ipynb
To re-create the data from scratch:
$ ./
Figure 6 (MNIST)
To show the results of a typical run
- change directory to scripts/mnist
- open and run the plot.ipybn
To re-create the data the procedure is slightly longer than in the preceding cases:
train the small convolutional network on all the datasets (MNIST,MNIST* and MNIST+)
$ ./
You could do the three trainings separately:
$ ./
$ ./
$ ./
analyze the results in the three cases:
$ ./
The epochs specified as parameters in are by default the same used to train the different models.
Anyway, for exploration purposes you can choose at which epoch to extract the data.
$ python --dataset yourdataset --epoch yourepoch
The shuffled dataset (MNIST+) and the dataset perturbed with the luminosity gradient (MNIST*) are provided. Anyway, you can create a new shuffled dataset
$ python --save 1
and / or a new MNIST perturbed with a higher or lower stretching parameter lambda
$ python --save 1 --lambdavar yourlambda