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Repository files navigation


Step 1:

Install node js by downloading the installable from Install NodeJS

Step 2:

Install angular cli using the following command.It wll get us the latest version of angular cli.
$ npm install -g @angular/cli

Step 3:

Next we will create a new angular project using the angular cli as follows-
 $  ng new employee-management	

Step 4:

To get the angular cli project started use the following command. We must go inside the employee-management folder and then use it.
$ ng serve

Step 5:

Go to localhost:4200 

Step 6:

Open Project in visual studio ide for angularjs download
Shortcuts :
	Ctrl +P --->Search for File
	Ctrl+F4 -->Close single file
	Ctrl+K W -->Close all files in workspace/window
	Shift + Alt + F  ==>Code Format 

#Step 7: Create employee component,We will be creating Employee Component which will fetch data from spring boot and display it. Lets begin with the employee component Open a command prompt and use the following command-

 For this angular will have created the following 4 files-

Step 8:

Next in the app-routing.module.ts we will be defining the url for accessing this component-  add in app-rounting.module.ts below code for UI action
	  import { EmployeeComponent } from './employee/employee.component';
		const routes: Routes = [
		  { path:'', component: EmployeeComponent},

Step 9: Create HttpClient Service

Next we will be creating a HTTPClient Service. This service will be having the httpClient and will be responsible for calling http GET request to the backend spring boot application.
In Angular a service is written for any cross cutting concerns and may be used by more than one components

$ ng generate service service/httpClient 

The following service files are created- http-client.service.ts http-client.service.spec.ts

Templates means ===>> (Module + Component)

(Module+Component)   ---->
                                    ---> (Module[SERVICES])------>Servers
(Module+Component)   ---->


Routers are responsible for the navigation. Thus, based on the URL, it will decide which view component will be presented to the user.

First download nodejs latest version

npm install -g angulr/cli

ng serve (ng means angular & serve ==> service or server,Invoking angular engine )


Angular Version 2==> MVC Pattern M--Model V---> View C-Components

V-->View ==>html (static) ===>app.component.html

	View need model

app.components.ts (type script) @Component({


View and component is called as Templates

@Componets==> Componets

import {Componet} from '@angular/core' @Component({ selector:'app-root', templaeUrl:'./app.compoent' })

app.componets.ts (Templates Info )

app.module.ts :

Goble Templates :

app.compnent.css app.compnent.html app.compnent.ts (Components) app.componet.cs(componets) CSS :SCSS

CSS Frame work is called SCSS

View means ==> app.compoment.html & app.componet.css)

Jasimne Karma :(Anuglar Testing Framework) app.component.spec.ts jasimne -->Engine Karmma --> TEsting Enviornemnt

app.module.ts(module Configuration file)

app.module.ts(Configuration) @NgModule({ declartions:[ AppComponent ], imports:[

] })


Routing Module :====>> export class AppRoutingModule

Anuglar Application is Single Page application DOM ==> HTML & One page to another page convert DOM totally reload the entire page

const routes:Routes=[];


service: service also ts file create one folder src-->app--> CreateOneFolder

Template ==VIew +Comppontes

Module ==>Components Realated Structed Routing ==>Navigation app.module.ts ==> Configuration