$location runs into infinite digest under certain circumstances #1417
when adding Angular to an existing project that makes use of html5 history. Whenever the url is changed outside of Angular, the next $digest to run produces this error:
Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: [["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 8; oldVal: 7"],["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 9; oldVal: 8"],["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 10; oldVal: 9"],["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 11; oldVal: 10"],["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 12; oldVal: 11"]]
I have my own routing in place, using goog.history.Html5History. I was trying to include some Angular stuff on a single page (works), but when the page changes, the first subsequent $apply produces the above error. It looks like the $location service is getting out of sync with the browser.
$locationWatch expects the $location service to be updated first, followed by the browser. But when I pushState to the browser directly, the $location service still has the old url.
The sad thing is that $location is not being used directly by this app, nor is $route. It's ngInclude, that depends on $anchorScroll, which depends on $location - maybe fixing this dependency should be a separate issue... (to be investigated)