© Angelo-Gabriel Barbu - angelo.barbu123@gmail.com - 2025
- Introduction
- High-Level Software Architecture
- Prerequisites
- Project Structure
- Project Components
- How to Install
- Development Plan
The project focuses on designing, implementing and testing a complete solution that incorporates a Decentralized Identity Verification System based on blockchain technology, having the purpose of providing a platform where individuals can issue, manage and revoke identity credentials, that can be used for identity confirmation. That way, we want to achieve a high level of control and privacy over sensitive personal information, by implementing an Identity Digital Wallet
, while offering an efficient method to verify an individual's indetity by third-party entities through a Verification Interface
The system is based on Ethereum blockchain and deployed on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), as a viable choice, considering its major adoption, high degrees of stability and security and a well defined development and testing framework.
- Node.js - Business Logic (Frontend)
- React.js - Visual Components (Backend)
- npm - Node Package Manager
- Web3.js - JavaScript Libraries for Ethereum Node Interactions
- Truffle - Development Environment for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
- Ganache - Local Ethereum blockchain environment
- Solidity - Smart Contracts Programming Language
- MetaMask - Browser Extension for Digital Wallets
: Contains the Backend level of the project where Business Logic, Data Processing and Frontend <-> Smart Contracts communication is implemented, using Node.js. -
: Visual Components (Frontend level) for Identity Digital Wallet management and MetaMask connection, developed with React.js. -
: Bash scripts implemented to start and configure Ganache network using Ganache CLI. -
: Smart Contracts module where implementation (Solidity), testing, compilation and migration instructions are developed, based on Truffle development environment and project structure.
The Ganache
module is responsible for setting up and managing the Ethereum blockchain locally hosted using Ganache CLI.
- Set up local blockchain: This will generate a mnemonic and a dummy database for contract deployments, transactions and test wallets.
./config-ganache.sh setup
NOTE: Reset environment database, including deployed contract, public-private wallet keypairs and past transactions.
./config-ganache.sh reset
- Start Ethereum blockchain
- Ganache network runs at:
. - Config scripts uses a collection of words defined in an environment file to return the mnemonic. Consider adding an
file with the following structure:
# Define the words to be used for generating mnemonics
MNEMONIC_WORDS="apple banana cherry date eagle falcon grape honey ice jelly kite lemon mango nut olive pear queen rose star tiger umbrella violet whale xray yellow zebra"
The Smart Contracts
module contains the implementation of the Smart Contract for the system. It provided the methods responsible for issuing, verifying, revoking and retrieving identity credentials on the blockchain.
Compile and migrate smart contracts:
truffle compile
truffle migrate --reset
After compilation, the contract ABI generated at build/contracts/Identity.json
is migrated to the frontend
and backend
module. The migration strategy can be found at migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js
Integration and unit tests are implemented in test/Identity.test.js
to check the functionality, the performance and the security of the smart contract and its methods. They can be executed using:
truffle test
The generated file test/test-results.json
contains the performance data for the executed load test.
The Backend
module is a Node.js server that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, organizing the business logic into structured components. It interacts with the Ethereum blockchain using Web3.js and connects with the frontend
to process identity-related requests.
- Install NPM dependencies
npm install
- Run backend server
npm run start
NOTE: For running with nodemon for development purposes:
npm run dev
- Set up an
file with the following structure as example:
The Frontend
module is a React.js application that provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the system. It enables users to connect their MetaMask wallet, issue credentials, revoke credentials, and view their identity credentials.
- Install NPM dependencies
npm install
- Start React.js application
npm start
NOTE: After setting up and running all project components, the application should be functional and accesible at http://localhost:3000
- Set up Ganache environment
cd ganache # Considering project root directory
./config-ganache.sh setup
- Start Ganache CLI
- Compile and migrate Smart Contract
cd smart_contracts # Considering project root directory
truffle compile
truffle migrate --reset
- Check if Smart Contract was compiled and deployed successfully
truffle test
- Install backend dependencies and start Node.js server
cd backend # Considering project root directory
npm install
npm run start
- Install frontend dependencies and start React.js application
cd frontend # Considering project root directory
npm install
npm start
- The application should be functional and accesible here (at
There is a plan for further development, depending on the priority. At the current state of the system overall, the priority stands as follows:
- Redefinition of Issue Credential Form(proper field validation, adding more relevant fields, identity document processing);
- Handling multiple MetaMask Digital Wallets on a session.
- Develop Verification Interface for third-party validation requests;
- Implement authentication module that tests Verification Interface;
- In-depth unit testing for all the components, with a high coverage degree;
- Further performance improvements overall;
- Implementing personal secret key for credential access.
- Implementing handling multiple wallet platforms.