- Build with Solar2D (Lua)
To generate the spritesheet atlas automatically (since I was only provided the spritesheet)
- First, photo edit and delete all the text labels that are not the frames
- Then upload the photo to Leshy Spritesheet Tool (https://www.leshylabs.com/apps/sstool/)
- Click the 'Remap' button
- Check the 'Show Outline' checkbox to view the individual frames
- Then, I clicked on each frame, and changed the 'Name' in 'Sprite Settings' to the frame number (1 to n)
- Then at the bottom, change the dropdown from "Text" to "JSON-TP-Hash"
- And click the bottom 'Save' button to export the .json file
- Then I wrote a Python script to parse the .json file, and generate a valid Lua table that works with Solar2D imageSheet
from pprint import pprint
import json
filename = "sprites_ordered.json"
with open(filename, "r") as f:
frames_dict = json.load(f)["frames"]
new_frames_dict = {}
frames_arr = [None] * (len(frames_dict) + 1)
for spriteName, cur_frame_dict in frames_dict.items():
cur_frame_dimensions = cur_frame_dict["frame"]
spriteNumber = int(spriteName)
frames_arr[spriteNumber] = {
'x': cur_frame_dimensions["x"],
'y': cur_frame_dimensions['y'],
'width': cur_frame_dimensions['w'],
'height': cur_frame_dimensions['h']
del frames_arr[0]
# print(frames_arr)
# with open('atlas.txt', 'w') as f:
# json.dump(frames_arr, f)
lua_array_text = json.dumps(frames_arr).replace(
":", "=").replace('[', '{').replace("]", "}").replace('"', '')