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LSTS is a proof assistant and maybe a programming language. Proofs in LSTS are built by connecting terms, type definitions, and quantified statements. Terms can be evaluated to obtain Values. Types describe properties of Terms. Statements describe relations between Terms and Types.

Runtime and performance are the primary constraint on theorem proving. To address these concerns we employ several strategies somewhat unique to LSTS:


LSTS is now bundled by default with the Lambda Mountain compiler.

git clone
cd lambda-mountain
make install


Terms are Lambda Calculus expressions with some extensions.

2 + 3;
"[" + (for x in range(1,25) yield x^3).join(",") + "]";


Type definitions define logical statements that are then attached to Terms. All valid Terms have at least one Type. Some Terms may have more than one Type. Types may define invariant properties. These invariant properties impose preconditions and postconditions on what values may occupy that Type. Values going into a Type must satisfy that Type's preconditions. Values coming out of a Term are then known to have satisfied each Type's invariants.

type Even: Integer
     where self % 2 | 0;
type Odd: Integer
     where self % 2 | 1;


Statements connect logic to form conclusions. Each Statement has a Term part and a Type part. Statements, when applied, provide new information to the Type of a Term. When a Statement is applied, it must match the pattern of its application context. An application context consists of a Term and a Type, which is then compared to the Term and Type of the Statement. These Term x Type relations form the basis of strict reasoning for LSTS.

forall @inc_odd x: Odd. Even = x + 1;
forall @dec_odd x: Odd. Even = x - 1;
forall @inc_even x: Even. Odd = x + 1;
forall @dec_even x: Even. Odd = x - 1;

((8: Even) + 1) @inc_even : Odd

Logic Backend

The language here is based on System F-sub with the following inference rules added.

$$abstraction \quad \frac{\Gamma \vdash a:A \quad \Gamma \vdash b:B \quad \Gamma \vdash x:X \quad \Gamma \vdash y:Y \quad λ⟨a.b⟩⟨x.y⟩}{\Gamma \vdash λ⟨a.b⟩⟨x.y⟩:(A \to B) + (X \to Y)}$$

$$application \quad \frac{\Gamma \vdash f:(A \to B) + (C \to D) + (X \to Y) \quad \Gamma \vdash x:A + X \quad f(x)}{\Gamma \vdash f(x):B + Y}$$

Further Reading