- Setting up SPK takes too much
- When someone visits a GitHub project page they will want to get up and going extremely fast
- Currently we have many entry points and don't do enough to guide users down a pat
- I want users to get GitOps in less than 5 minutes.
- Develop a way to help users quickly and interactively build up their configuration
- Supercharge our scaffolding by doing what we do in the integration tests
Install Typescript globally
npm install -g typescript
Install webpack
npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli
yarn add webpack webpack-cli --dev
Both of these dependencies will let TypeScript and webpack play well together. ts-loader helps Webpack compile your TypeScript code using the TypeScript’s standard configuration file named tsconfig.json. source-map-loader uses any sourcemap outputs from TypeScript to inform webpack when generating its own sourcemaps. This will allow you to debug your final output file as if you were debugging your original TypeScript source code.
npm install --save-dev typescript ts-loader source-map-loader
yarn add ts-loader typescript source-map-loader pkg --dev
yarn add ts-loader --dev
yarn add @types/clui --dev
Initialize a package.json interactively
yarn init
Add dependencies
yarn add chalk figlet inquirer shelljs ts-node clear
yarn add ts-node
- https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/react-&-webpack.html (Covers project layout)
- https://github.com/SBoudrias/Inquirer.js/tree/master/packages/inquirer/examples (Inqurier examples)