Intrinsic mesh CNNs [1] operate directly on object surfaces, therefore expanding the application of convolutions to non-Euclidean data.
GeoConv is a library that provides end-to-end tools for deep learning on surfaces. That is, whether it is pre-processing your mesh files into a format that can be fed into neural networks, or the implementation of the intrinsic surface convolutions [1] themselves, GeoConv has you covered.
While this library is theoretically motivated by the work of [1], [2] and [3] it also adds additional functionalities such as the freedom of specifying new kernels, preprocessing algorithms like the one from [4], as well as visualization and benchmark tools to verify your layer configuration, your pre-processing results or your trained models.
GeoConv provides the base layer ConvIntrinsic
as a Tensorflow or Pytorch layer. Both implementations are equivalent.
Only the ways in how they are configured slightly differ due to differences regarding Tensorflow and Pytorch. Check the
minimal example below or the geoconv_examples
-package for how you configure Intrinsic Mesh CNNs.
sudo apt install libatlas-base-dev
Install geoconv:
Installation Variant Command GeoConv pip install geoconv
GeoConv + Tensorflow/Keras (CPU) pip install geoconv[tensorflow]
GeoConv + Tensorflow/Keras (GPU) pip install geoconv[tensorflow_gpu]
GeoConv + Pytorch (CPU) pip install geoconv[pytorch] --extra-index-url
GeoConv + Pytorch (GPU) pip install geoconv[pytorch] --extra-index-url
If you want to run the FAUST example you also need to install:
sudo apt install libflann-dev libeigen3-dev lz4 pip install cython==0.29.37 pip install pyshot@git+
In case OpenGL context cannot be created:
conda install -c conda-forge libstdcxx-ng
from geoconv.tensorflow.layers.conv_geodesic import ConvGeodesic
from geoconv.tensorflow.layers.angular_max_pooling import AngularMaxPooling
import keras
def define_model(input_dim, output_dim, n_radial, n_angular):
"""Define a geodesic convolutional neural network"""
signal_input = keras.layers.InputLayer(shape=(input_dim,))
barycentric = keras.layers.InputLayer(shape=(n_radial, n_angular, 3, 2))
signal = ConvGeodesic(
amt_templates=32, # 32-dimensional output
template_radius=0.03, # maximal geodesic template distance
rotation_delta=1 # Delta in between template rotations
)([signal_input, barycentric])
signal = AngularMaxPooling()(signal)
logits = keras.layers.Dense(output_dim)(signal)
model = keras.Model(inputs=[signal_input, barycentric], outputs=[logits])
return model
from geoconv.pytorch.layers.conv_geodesic import ConvGeodesic
from geoconv.pytorch.layers.angular_max_pooling import AngularMaxPooling
from torch import nn
class GCNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, n_radial, n_angular):
self.geodesic_conv = ConvGeodesic(
input_shape=[(None, input_dim), (None, n_radial, n_angular, 3, 2)],
amt_templates=32, # 32-dimensional output
template_radius=0.03, # maximal geodesic template distance
rotation_delta=1 # Delta in between template rotations
self.amp = AngularMaxPooling()
self.output = nn.Linear(in_features=32, out_features=output_dim)
def forward(self, x):
signal, barycentric = x
signal = self.geodesic_conv([signal, barycentric])
signal = self.amp(signal)
return self.output(signal)
As visible in the minimal examples above, the intrinsic surface convolutional layer (here geodesic convolution) expects two inputs:
- The signal defined on the mesh vertices (can be anything from descriptors like SHOT [5] to simple 3D-coordinates of the vertices).
- Barycentric coordinates for signal interpolation in the format specified by the output of
For the latter: GeoConv supplies you with the necessary preprocessing functions:
- Use
on your triangle meshes (which are stored in a format that is supported by Trimesh, e.g. 'ply') to compute local geodesic polar coordinate systems with the algorithm of [4]. - Use those GPC-systems and
to compute the barycentric coordinates for the kernel vertices. The result can without further effort directly be fed into the layer.
For more thorough explanations on how GeoConv operates check out the geoconv_examples
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[1]: Bronstein, Michael M., et al. "Geometric deep learning: Grids, groups, graphs, geodesics, and gauges." arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.13478 (2021).
[2]: Monti, Federico, et al. "Geometric deep learning on graphs and manifolds using mixture model cnns." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2017.
[3]: Poulenard, Adrien, and Maks Ovsjanikov. "Multi-directional geodesic neural networks via equivariant convolution." ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 37.6 (2018): 1-14.
[4]: Melvær, Eivind Lyche, and Martin Reimers. "Geodesic polar coordinates on polygonal meshes." Computer Graphics Forum. Vol. 31. No. 8. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2012.
[5]: Tombari, Federico, Samuele Salti, and Luigi Di Stefano. "Unique signatures of histograms for local surface description." European conference on computer vision. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.