| 1 | +0.8.0a1 |
| 2 | + - Removed unnecessary intermediate zvals when retrieving array items reducing overall memory comsumption |
| 3 | + - Removed unnecessary intermediate zvals when retrieving object members reducing overall memory comsumption |
| 4 | + - Removed PH_CHECK constant making simpler calling functions and methods internally |
| 5 | + - Added Phalcon\Text::increment, Phalcon\Text::random, Phalcon\Text::lower, Phalcon\Text::upper, Phalcon\Text::startsWith, Phalcon\Text::endsWith |
| 6 | + - Added Phalcon\Config::merge to merge recursively a configuration with another one |
| 7 | + - Added Phalcon\Config::toArray method to recursively convert an object to an array |
| 8 | + - Improved Volt runtime error/syntax error messages including always line and file |
| 9 | + - Added Phalcon\Security providing a set of functions to improve the security in Phalcon applications like bcrypt password hashing and CSRF protection |
| 10 | + - Added Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler::addFunction to register user functions |
| 11 | + - Added Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler::addFilter to register user filters |
| 12 | + - Added Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Relation as class for model relationships |
| 13 | + - Added support for aliasing of model relationships in Phalcon\Mvc\Model |
| 14 | + - Added "cache" statement in Volt to cache view fragments |
| 15 | + - Added "do" statement to Volt to execute an expression without printing its evaluated value |
| 16 | + - Added "include" statement to Volt to perform a statical include of other views in compiling time |
| 17 | + - Added an internal method cache to speed up overall execution |
| 18 | + - Reduced memory allocation when reading/writing properties from objects |
| 19 | + - Added missing Phalcon\Mvc\Collection::getMessages() and Phalcon\Mvc\Collection::appendMessage |
| 20 | + - Added Phalcon\Config::get method to obtain a value from the configuration object setting a default value |
| 21 | + - Added an optional default value to Phalcon\Session\Adapter::get if this method returns a null value |
| 22 | + - Added OO methods to Phalcon\Session\Bag::get |
| 23 | + - Added an optional default value to Phalcon\Session\Bag::get if this method returns a null value |
| 24 | + - Added multiple inheritance and two-way replacement of blocks in Volt |
| 25 | + - Added evaluation of "tests" to Volt |
| 26 | + - Added support to call methods and read properties in sub-objects in Volt |
| 27 | + - Volt now checks if a variable name is a registered service and injects it to the views |
| 28 | + - The "For" statement in Volt now supports get the current key and add an optional if evaluation |
| 29 | + - Added support to read PHP constants in Volt |
| 30 | + - Added "prefix" option to Volt, allowing prefixing the resulting compiled paths |
| 31 | + - Now registerAutoloader in module definitions receives the services container (DI) as first parameter |
| 32 | + - Fixed skipAttributes methods in Phalcon\Mvc\Model |
| 33 | + - Fixed use of muliples databases in the ORM |
| 34 | + - Fixed use of a common events manager databases in the ORM |
| 35 | + - Now Phalcon\Mvc\Router can be configured to remove extra slashes passed in the URI |
| 36 | + - In Phalcon\Mvc\Router the default route is '/' when none is giving |
| 37 | + |
1 | 38 | 0.7.0
2 | 39 | - Now the namespace can be set in a path of the route and it will passed automatically to the dispatcher
3 |
| - - Implementing URL generation based on routed without regular expressions |
| 40 | + - Implementing URL generation based on routes without regular expressions |
4 | 41 | - Now is possible register a template engine in Phalcon\Mvc\View with an anonymous function
5 | 42 | - Passing 'compileAlways' => true as option for Volt makes that the templates will be always compiled instead of checking if they have changes
6 | 43 | - Now Phalcon\Cache\Backend adapters return false in the "exists" method if the cache has expired
7 |
| - - Reduced number of re-executions when using scrollable cursors |
8 |
| - - Reducing class entry resolution in function calls |
9 |
| - - Disabling search of class execution scope when classes don't have a parent class |
10 |
| - - Removing unnecessary duplication of memory when printing string zvals |
| 44 | + - Fixed bug in Phalcon\Db\Result\Pdo::seek when using bind parameters |
11 | 45 |
12 | 46 | 0.7.0b1
13 |
| - - Implemented a fast way to retrieve object's members without add a memory frame |
| 47 | + - Implemented a fast way to retrieve object's members without adding a memory frame |
14 | 48 | - Now Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher checks for methods beforeExecuteRoute and afterExecuteRoute in the controller handler
15 | 49 | - Added phalcon_start_with to check if a zval string starts with other string avoiding substrs in PHP userland
16 | 50 | - Added interfaces to most classes helping the developer to easily create component replacements and add new adapters/classes
26 | 60 | - Implemented independent column map for models and a full escaping system for columns/tables/schemas according to the database system conventions
27 | 61 | - Added a $merge parameter to Phalcon\Mvc\Application::registerModules to merge new modules with current ones
28 | 62 | - Phalcon\Mvc\Application now allows registering a module using an anonymous function
29 |
| - - Added Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Builder to aid in the creation of PHQL queries using an OO interface |
| 63 | + - Added Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Builder aiding in the creation of PHQL queries using an OO interface |
30 | 64 | - Support for COUNT(DISTINCT x) syntax in PHQL
31 | 65 | - Allowing user-defined messages in most Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Validators
32 | 66 | - Now Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Validator\StringLength uses mb_strlen when it is available
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