This is my personal ansible playbook to install and configure my workstation and configure my server.
- Run
ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file [path_to_key_file] id_rsa
- To decrypt run
ansible-vault decrypt --vault-password-file [path_to_key_file] id_rsa
- Edit the variables in
- Push the changes to the remote repository
- Install ansible on the machine you want to configure use
sudo pacman -Syy ansible
- Run the following code:
ansible-pull --vault-password-file [key file location] --ask-become -t "[light_workstation|heavy_workstation],[samsung_expert]" --become-method=[doas|sudo] -U
- Sit back and relax
ansible-playbook -t [tag1, tag2] --ask-become local.yml
- Light_workstation role install
bash <(curl -L
- Samsung-workstation role install
bash <(curl -L
- This role runs on all machines. It set configurations that should be on every system
- This role set a light workstation, without applications that has a high resource usage
- This role set the high resource usage applications
- This role configure work related stuff
- This role configure a server