The commit-helper do exactly what it's name suggest: helps you create and maintain your commit policy by tailoring your commit message into a commit convention.
Keeping a commit policy may sound like an easy thing to do, but in reality we both know that it isn't.
Sometimes we, the developers, go full-loco while programming and make mistakes when commiting. That's fine, everyone makes mistakes. But, what if those mistakes could be avoided?
Just follow the commands below:
$ chmod +x $HOME/.commit-helper/
$ ./$HOME/.commit-helper/
# or you could type the commands below
# make sure you have the dependencies installed in your machine and
# have git ready to use
$ sudo apt install python3-pip git
# clone the repo into your home
$ git clone ~/.commit-helper
$ pip3 install -r ~/.commit-helper/requirements.txt
# create a function in your .bashrc
$ echo "alias commit='python3 ~/.commit-helper/'" >> ~/.bashrc
# reload terminal
$ source ~/.bashrc
This program has a cli that you can take advantage of. Running commit --help
will show you the usage and options for your commit. All of them are optional
for the sake of not losing your precious time.
$ commit -h
usage: [-h] [--co-author CO_AUTHOR] [--no-generate NO_FILE]
[--convention {angular,changelog,symphony,message}]
A commit formatter tool to help you follow commit conventions.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--co-author CO_AUTHOR
make your friend an co-author to the commit
--no-generate NO_FILE
disables the creation of a commiter.yml file
--convention {angular,changelog,symphony,message}
Selects a convention to be used for the commit.
Required if there is no commiter.yml file.
So, if you want to write a co-authored commit, you should use:
$ commit --co-author "foo bar doritous <>"
Or if you are using this for the first time in your project:
$ commit --convention changelog
To work even more smoothly, have in your working directory a file named commiter.yml. In this file you must pass the commit convention that you want to use, following the example:
convention: angular # tag(context): commit message
# or
convention: changelog # TAG: commit message
# or
convention: symphony # [Tag] commit message
# and if you're feeling adventurous
convention: none # Commit message
Supported conventions available:
- angular/karma
- changelog
- symphony
Name | Username |
André de Sousa Costa Filho | @andre-filho |
Name | Username |
Arthur José Benedito de Oliveira Assis | @arthur120496 |
Matheus Richard T. Gomes | @MatheusRich |