A Processing version of my Glitch-FX sketch with extra features
This is a version of my Glitch-FX sketch on Open Processing done fully with original (Java) Processing 3.
This version also comes with the ability to load your own images as well as saving your own creations!
- Press 'G' to generate a new effect on the image.
- Press 'J' to save as .jpg (NOTE: when saving just type a file name without the extension)
- Press 'P' to save as .png (same note as before)
- Press 'X' to exit
- Scramble
- Scanlines
- Warp
- Pixel Burn
- Noisy
- Scanner
- Jpg Degrade
- Invert Saturation
- OpenCV - Edge Detect
- More will be planned in the very near future
As of the latest version, any image will only be loaded as a fixed 1000 x 1000px size. I may try to find some method of allowing variable sizes/aspect ratios depending on the input image (with the settings() function), but for now, the size remains fixed.
- Different aspect ratios can now be loaded without forcing the source to a 1:1 square! The image will be scaled down but the aspect ratio will remain as is.
- OpenCV library added for use of the edge detection filters.
- Invert Saturation filter added.