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I2I: Standalone Bento Runtime #36421



Bento extensions are "standalone", included like:

<script async src=""></script>

Optionally, we include custom-elements-polyfill.js once for compatibility.

<script src=""></script>
<script async src=""></script>

A minimal bento-*-1.0.js file is very large. This is caused by including preact and PreactBaseElement, which are identical on all Bento extensions.

amp make-extension --name=amp-example --bento
amp dist --core_runtime_only --extensions=amp-example
cat dist/v0/bento-example-1.0.js | brotli -c | wc -c


Share preact/PreactBaseElement as a "Bento runtime" so that extension files are each 15-16K smaller compressed.


  • Updating AMP versions of the extension files (like amp-timeago-1.0.js) _ Updating npm releases of Web Components, since they should share preact as a peer dependency. _ Reducing the size of the shared runtime.


  1. Rename custom-elements-polyfill.js to bento.js. It is no longer optional.
  2. Wrap extension code so that it does not execute until a global BENTO is available. Provide BENTO from bento.js.


bento.js is asynchronous

Unlike custom-elements-polyfill.js; bento.js can be asynchronous because extensions are runtime-blocked.

<script async src=""></script>

We wrap extension code:

- defineElement();
+ (self.BENTO = self.BENTO || []).push(defineElement);

Note that we don't call defineElement in the extension bundle, but only provide it so that bento.js calls it instead. This is similar to the AMP runtime's async loading mechanism, but simpler since we do not version-lock.

Preact is defined by BENTO

On compiled code, global preact functions are not bundled, but instead provided by BENTO. This is fine since extension code should not execute until BENTO is available.

- const C = fR(
+ const C = BENTO['#preact'].forwardRef,
    ({children}, r) =>
-     h(
+     BENTO['#preact'].h(
-       Fragment,
+       BENTO['#preact'].Fragment,

Likewise, we provide PreactBaseElement as BENTO.BaseElement:

- class B extends P {
+ const {PreactBaseElement} = BENTO['#preact/base-element'];
+ class B extends PreactBaseElement {

Differences in filesize

before after Δ
bento.js n/a 18.01 kB 18.01 kB
custom-elements-polyfill.js 2.21 kB n/a n/a
bento-accordion-1.0.js 18.61 kB 7.90 kB -10.71 kB
bento-base-carousel-1.0.js 23.29 kB 9.11 kB -14.18 kB
bento-brightcove-1.0.js 20.10 kB 6.21 kB -13.88 kB
bento-date-countdown-1.0.js 17.70 kB 3.29 kB -14.41 kB
bento-date-display-1.0.js 17.34 kB 3.14 kB -14.21 kB
bento-embedly-card-1.0.js 18.66 kB 4.57 kB -14.09 kB
bento-facebook-1.0.js 19.11 kB 5.11 kB -14.00 kB
bento-fit-text-1.0.js 16.72 kB 1.63 kB -15.10 kB
bento-iframe-1.0.js 17.33 kB 3.04 kB -14.29 kB
bento-inline-gallery-1.0.js 16.35 kB 3.83 kB -12.52 kB
bento-instagram-1.0.js 16.98 kB 2.67 kB -14.31 kB
bento-jwplayer-1.0.js 21.15 kB 7.25 kB -13.90 kB
bento-lightbox-1.0.js 17.32 kB 3.10 kB -14.23 kB
bento-lightbox-gallery-1.0.js 25.15 kB 11.12 kB -14.02 kB
bento-mathml-1.0.js 18.94 kB 5.04 kB -13.90 kB
bento-render-1.0.js 16.53 kB 1.87 kB -14.66 kB
bento-selector-1.0.js 17.98 kB 3.62 kB -14.36 kB
bento-sidebar-1.0.js 18.27 kB 4.27 kB -14.00 kB
bento-social-share-1.0.js 21.18 kB 6.30 kB -14.88 kB
bento-soundcloud-1.0.js 17.05 kB 2.79 kB -14.26 kB
bento-stream-gallery-1.0.js 23.79 kB 9.61 kB -14.18 kB
bento-timeago-1.0.js 24.13 kB 9.76 kB -14.37 kB
bento-twitter-1.0.js 18.69 kB 4.69 kB -14.00 kB
bento-video-1.0.js 18.41 kB 4.31 kB -14.10 kB
bento-video-iframe-1.0.js 19.21 kB 5.19 kB -14.03 kB
bento-vimeo-1.0.js 19.89 kB 5.92 kB -13.97 kB
bento-wordpress-embed-1.0.js 17.19 kB 2.88 kB -14.31 kB
bento-youtube-1.0.js 20.10 kB 6.17 kB -13.93 kB




INTENT TO IMPLEMENTProposes implementation of a significant new feature. for one year or more


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