This repository is a starting place for documenting my kubernetes (k8s) learning journey. I have tried to capture these learnings by demonstrating 3 kinds of applications a static website, a web app using Java Spring Boot, and a cron job using Python. I will go through the process of taking these applications from the ground up, containerizing them using Docker, then deploying them to K8s cluster locally and on the cloud, adding the ability to scale them and performance test these applications.
Use the following links to understand key k8s concepts
- Docker Desktop with k8s enabled
Lets start with understanding k8s building different kind of applications.
docker-nginx-static-html-demo Step by Step instructions to build and run a simple static HTML site with Docker and Nginx.
k8s-docker-nginx-static-html-demo Static html using nginx deployed on local Kubernetes.
spring-boot-helloworld Basic Hello World Web Application in Java Spring Boot.
docker-spring-boot-helloworld Dockerizing Spring Boot hello world.
k8s-spring-boot-helloworld Spring boot app deployed on local Kubernetes using helm.
k8s-spring-boot-helloworld-security-context Security context defines privilege and access control settings for a Pod or Container.
[WIP] k8s/k8s-spring-boot-helloworld-scaling Scaling the Spring Boot App Deployed on Local Kubernetes Cluster.
[WIP] k8s-spring-boot-helloworld-scaling-jmeter-performance-test Adding jMeter test to create performance tests for testing autoscaling of pods.
[WIP] k8s-spring-boot-helloworld-service-accounts-aws
[WIP] k8s-spring-boot-helloworld-service-accounts-azure
python-helloworld A simple python hello world script.
docker-python-helloworld Dockerizing python hello world script.
k8s-cronjob-python-helloworld Python hello world script deployed as a CronJob on local Kubernetes using helm.
k8s-cronjob-python-helloworld-security-context Adding Security Context to CronJob.
[WIP] k8s-cronjob-python-helloworld-service-account-aws
[WIP] k8s-cronjob-python-helloworld-service-account-azure